Greasy Fork is available in English.

AO3: [Wrangling] Smaller Tag Search

makes the Tag Search form take up less space (best on desktop/landscape screens)

// ==UserScript==
// @name         AO3: [Wrangling] Smaller Tag Search
// @namespace
// @version      4.1
// @description  makes the Tag Search form take up less space (best on desktop/landscape screens)
// @author       escctrl
// @match        *://**
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @grant        none
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==

/* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces */
/* global jQuery, lightOrDark */

(function($) {
    'use strict';

    // --- THE USUAL INIT STUFF AT THE BEGINNING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // on retry later, break off the rest of this script to avoid console errors
    if ($('#new_tag_search').length == 0) return;

    $("head").append(`<link rel="stylesheet" href="">`);

    let cfg = 'smallertagsearch'; // name of dialog and localstorage used throughout
    let dlg = '#'+cfg;

    /* *** EXAMPLE STORAGE: equivalent of a Map() with settings for reducing size and default selections on pageload
        settings = [ ["text","1"],["labels", "n"],["tag","b"],["sort","b"],["btntxt", "y"],

        text: (1) next to each other, (2) below each other with labels
        tag & sort labels (above options): (y) yes, (n) no
        tag show as: (b) buttons, (s) select
        sort show as: (b) buttons, (s) select, (h) hide
        tag & sort buttontext (on options): (y) yes, (n) no
    let settings = loadConfig();

    // ASC/DESC translation for the different sort options: x -> [ASC, icon for ASC, DESC, icon for DESC]
    var dir_alias = new Map([["name",       ["A → Z",           `<i class="fa fa-sort-alpha-asc"></i>`,   "Z → A",           `<i class="fa fa-sort-alpha-desc"></i>`]],
                             ["created_at", ["oldest → newest", `<i class="fa fa-sort-amount-asc"></i>`,  "newest → oldest", `<i class="fa fa-sort-amount-desc"></i>`]],
                             ["uses",       ["fewest → most",   `<i class="fa fa-sort-numeric-asc"></i>`, "most → fewest",   `<i class="fa fa-sort-numeric-desc"></i>`]]]);
    let getAscDescAlias = (by, dir) => dir_alias.get(by)[ (dir == "asc" ? 0 : 2) ]; // function to retrieve readable name based on which sort-by is selected
    let getAscDescIcon  = (by, dir) => dir_alias.get(by)[ (dir == "asc" ? 1 : 3) ]; // function to retrieve matching icon based on which sort-by is selected

    // figure out which option currently needs to be selected, based on search parameters in the URL vs. configured defaults
    var opt_selected = new Map();
    let params = new URLSearchParams(;
    ["tag_search[type]", "tag_search[canonical]", "tag_search[sort_column]", "tag_search[sort_direction]"].forEach((name) => {
        // if we've already done a search, select that option again
        if (params.size !== 0) {
            if (params.get(name)) opt_selected.set(name, params.get(name)); // if this parameter was actually part of the URL
            else { // otherwise go with what AO3 selects as defaults on partial search strings
                switch (name) {
                    case "tag_search[type]":
                    case "tag_search[canonical]":
                        opt_selected.set(name, "");
                    case "tag_search[sort_column]": opt_selected.set(name, "name"); break;
                    case "tag_search[sort_direction]": opt_selected.set(name, "asc"); break;
                    default: break;
        // otherwise pick the configured defaults
        else {
            switch (name) {
                case "tag_search[type]": opt_selected.set(name, settings.get("deftype")); break;
                case "tag_search[canonical]":
                    settings.get("defstatus") === "Canonical" ? opt_selected.set(name, "T") :
                    settings.get("defstatus") === "Non-canonical" ? opt_selected.set(name, "F") : opt_selected.set(name, "");
                case "tag_search[sort_column]": opt_selected.set(name, settings.get("defsortby")); break;
                case "tag_search[sort_direction]": opt_selected.set(name, settings.get("defsortdir")); break;
                default: break;

    // --- CONFIGURATION DIALOG HANDLING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    function createDialog() {

        // if the background is dark, use the dark UI theme to match
        let dialogtheme = lightOrDark($('body').css('background-color')) == "dark" ? "dark-hive" : "base";

        // adding the jQuery stylesheet to style the dialog, and fixing the interference of AO3's styling
        $("head").append(`<link rel="stylesheet" href="${dialogtheme}/jquery-ui.css">`)
        .append(`<style type="text/css">${dlg}, .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane button {font-size: revert; line-height: 1.286;}
        ${dlg} form {box-shadow: revert; cursor:auto;}
        ${dlg} fieldset {background: revert; box-shadow: revert; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0;}
        ${dlg} legend {font-size: inherit; height: auto; width: auto; opacity: inherit;}
        ${dlg} fieldset p { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; }
        ${dlg} select { width: auto; }
        ${dlg} #tagsearchdefaults label { width: 9em; display: inline-block; }

        // wrapper div for the dialog
        $("#main").append(`<div id="${cfg}"></div>`);

        let selected = 'selected="selected"';
        let checked = 'checked="checked"';

        let deftype = "", defstatus = "", defsort = "";
        ["Fandom", "Character", "Relationship", "Freeform", ""].forEach(
            v => { deftype += `<option value="${v}" ${v === settings.get("deftype") ? selected : ""}>${v === "" ? 'Any Type' : v}</option>`; }
        ["Canonical", "Non-canonical", ""].forEach(
            v => { defstatus += `<option value="${v}" ${v === settings.get("defstatus") ? selected : ""}>${v === "" ? 'Any Type' : v}</option>`; }
        [["name", "Name"], ["created_at", "Creation Date"], ["uses", "Uses"]].forEach(
            v => { defsort += `<option value="${v[0]}-asc" ${v[0] === settings.get("defsortby") && settings.get("defsortdir") === "asc" ? selected : ""}>${v[1]}, ${getAscDescAlias(v[0], 'asc')}</option>
                               <option value="${v[0]}-desc" ${v[0] === settings.get("defsortby") && settings.get("defsortdir") === "desc" ? selected : ""}>${v[1]}, ${getAscDescAlias(v[0], 'desc')}</option>`; }

            <fieldset id='tagsearchdisplay'><legend>Display</legend>
                <p><label for="tagsearchdisplay_text">Show Search Text and Fandom input fields</label><br />
                    <select name="tagsearchdisplay_text" id="tagsearchdisplay_text" style="width: 20em;">
                        <option value="1" ${settings.get('text')==="1" ? selected : ""}>next to each other, without labels</option>
                        <option value="2" ${settings.get('text')==="2" ? selected : ""}>below each other, with labels</option>
                <p class="radiocontrol">Show the Tag Type and Status options as<br />
                    <label for="tag_buttons"><i class="fa fa-toggle-on" aria-hidden="true"></i> Buttons</label><input type="radio" name="tagsearchdisplay_tag" id="tag_buttons" value="b" ${settings.get('tag') === "b" ? checked : ""}>
                    <label for="tag_select"><i class="fa fa-caret-square-o-down" aria-hidden="true"></i> Dropdown</label><input type="radio" name="tagsearchdisplay_tag" id="tag_select" value="s" ${settings.get('tag') === "s" ? checked : ""}>
                <p class="radiocontrol">Show the Sort By and Direction options as<br />
                    <label for="sort_buttons"><i class="fa fa-toggle-on" aria-hidden="true"></i> Buttons</label><input type="radio" name="tagsearchdisplay_sort" id="sort_buttons" value="b" ${settings.get('sort') === "b" ? checked : ""}>
                    <label for="sort_select"><i class="fa fa-caret-square-o-down" aria-hidden="true"></i> Dropdown</label><input type="radio" name="tagsearchdisplay_sort" id="sort_select" value="s" ${settings.get('sort') === "s" ? checked : ""}>
                    <label for="sort_hide"><i class="fa fa-eye-slash" aria-hidden="true"></i> Hidden</label><input type="radio" name="tagsearchdisplay_sort" id="sort_hide" value="h" ${settings.get('sort') === "h" ? checked : ""}>
                <p><label for="tagsearchdisplay_labels">Show labels above Tag Type/Status and Sort By/Direction</label>
                    <input type="checkbox" name="tagsearchdisplay_labels" id="tagsearchdisplay_labels" ${settings.get('labels') === "y" ? checked : ""}>
                    <label for="tagsearchdisplay_btntxt">Show Tag Type/Status and Sort By/Direction buttons with text</label>
                    <input type="checkbox" name="tagsearchdisplay_btntxt" id="tagsearchdisplay_btntxt" ${settings.get('btntxt') === "y" ? checked : ""}>
            <fieldset id='tagsearchdefaults'>
                <p>Pick defaults for the tag type, wrangling status, and sort order.</p>
                <label for="deftype">Tag Type</label>
                <select name="tagsearchdefault_type" id="deftype">
                  ${ deftype }
                </select><br />
                <label for="defstatus">Wrangling Status</label>
                <select name="tagsearchdefault_status" id="defstatus">
                  ${ defstatus }
                </select><br />
                <label for="defsort">Sort By</label>
                <select name="tagsearchdefault_sort" id="defsort" style="width: 20em;">
                  ${ defsort }
            <!--<fieldset id='tagsearchquick'>
                <legend>Quick Search Buttons</legend>

        // optimizing the size of the GUI in case it's a mobile device
        let dialogwidth = parseInt($("body").css("width")); // parseInt ignores letters (px)
        dialogwidth = dialogwidth > 500 ? 500 : dialogwidth * 0.9;

        // initialize the dialog (but don't open it)
        $( dlg ).dialog({
            appendTo: "#main",
            modal: true,
            title: 'Smaller Tag Search Config',
            draggable: true,
            resizable: false,
            autoOpen: false,
            width: dialogwidth,
            position: {my:"center", at: "center top"},
            buttons: {
                Reset: deleteConfig,
                Save: storeConfig,
                Cancel: function() { $( dlg ).dialog( "close" ); }

        // event triggers if form is submitted with the <enter> key
        $( dlg+" form" ).on("submit", (e) => {

        // if no other script has created it yet, write out a "Userscripts" option to the main navigation
        if ($('#scriptconfig').length == 0) {
            $('#header ul.primary.navigation li.dropdown').last()
                .after(`<li class="dropdown" id="scriptconfig">
                    <a class="dropdown-toggle" href="/" data-toggle="dropdown" data-target="#">Userscripts</a>
                    <ul class="menu dropdown-menu"></ul></li>`);

        // then add this script's config option to navigation dropdown
        $('#scriptconfig .dropdown-menu').append(`<li><a href="javascript:void(0);" id="opencfg_${cfg}">Smaller Tag Search</a></li>`);

        // on click, open the configuration dialog
        $("#opencfg_"+cfg).on("click", function(e) {
            $( dlg ).dialog('open');

            // turn checkboxes and radiobuttons into pretty buttons. only once the dialog is open bc sizing doesn't work correctly on hidden elements
            $( `${dlg} input[type='checkbox']` ).checkboxradio();
            $( `${dlg} select` ).selectmenu({ width: null });
            $( `${dlg} input[type='radio']` ).checkboxradio({ icon: false });
            $( `${dlg} .radiocontrol` ).controlgroup();


    // --- DELEGATED EVENT HANDLERS FOR REACTIVE GUI -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // --- HELPER FUNCTIONS TO CREATE GUI HTML -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // --- LOCALSTORAGE MANIPULATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    function loadConfig() {
        // load storage on page startup, or default values if there's no storage item
        return new Map(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(cfg) || `[["text","1"],["labels","n"],["tag","b"],["sort","s"],["btntxt","n"],["deftype",""],["defstatus",""],["defsortby","name"],["defsortdir","asc"]]`));

    function deleteConfig() {
        // deselects all buttons, empties all fields in the form
        $(dlg+' form').trigger("reset");

        // deletes the localStorage

        $( dlg ).dialog( "close" );

    function storeConfig() {
        // fill a Map() with the choices in the Config GUI
        let toStore = new Map();

        // checkboxes: show labels?
        $(`${dlg} input[type='checkbox']`).each( function() {
            if ($(this).prop('name') == "tagsearchdisplay_labels") {
                if ($(this).prop('checked')) toStore.set('labels', "y");
                else toStore.set('labels', "n");
            else if ($(this).prop('name') == "tagsearchdisplay_btntxt") {
                if ($(this).prop('checked')) toStore.set('btntxt', "y");
                else toStore.set('btntxt', "n");
        } );
        // radiobuttions: how to show tag type/status and sort by/direction
        $(`${dlg} input[type='radio']:checked`).each( function() {
            if      ($(this).prop('name') == "tagsearchdisplay_tag")  toStore.set('tag', $(this).prop('value'));
            else if ($(this).prop('name') == "tagsearchdisplay_sort") toStore.set('sort', $(this).prop('value'));
        } );
        // selects: how many lines for textinput fields, what to select by default
        $(`${dlg} select`).each( function() {
            let name = $(this).prop('name'), value = $(this).prop('value');

            if (name == "tagsearchdisplay_text") toStore.set('text', value);
            else if (name == "tagsearchdefault_type") toStore.set('deftype', value);
            else if (name == "tagsearchdefault_status") toStore.set('defstatus', value);
            else if (name == "tagsearchdefault_sort") {
                toStore.set('defsortby', value.slice(0, value.indexOf("-")));
                toStore.set('defsortdir', value.slice(value.indexOf("-")+1));
        } );

        // sets the localStorage (turn Map() into an Array for stringify to understand it)
        // btw this overwrites any old configurations, since we're still using the same key name
        localStorage.setItem(cfg, JSON.stringify(toStore.entries().toArray()));

        $( dlg ).dialog( "close" );

    // --- WRITING THE NEW TAG SEARCH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // for the fields to move/wrap nicely no matter the screen width, we have to group: the two text fields vs. the four selectors (including their respective labels)
    $('#new_tag_search dl > *').slice(0,4).wrapAll('<div id="smallsearch_first"></div>');
    $('#new_tag_search dl > *').slice(1).wrapAll('<div id="smallsearch_second"></div>');

    // general CSS for the fields and flexbox for the four selects
    let custom_css = `
        #fandom-field-description { display: none; }
        #new_tag_search #smallsearch_second { display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; column-gap: 1rem; row-gap: 0rem; }
        #new_tag_search #smallsearch_second dd { width: auto; }
        #new_tag_search dd li.input { margin: 0; }
        #new_tag_search input[type="text"]::placeholder { opacity: 0.5; font-style: italic; }

    // one-line display: flexbox to move underneath each other on small screens, hide the appropriate <label>s and their <dt>s
    if (settings.get('text') == "1") {
        $('#new_tag_search dt').hide();
        custom_css += `
            #new_tag_search #smallsearch_first { display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; column-gap: 2%; row-gap: 0rem; align-items: flex-end; }
            #new_tag_search #smallsearch_first dd { width: 49%; flex-grow: 1; min-width: 15em; }

        // adding a placeholder text to the <input> fields since the labels are gone
        $('input#tag_search_name').prop('placeholder', 'Tag Name');
        $('input#tag_search_fandoms_autocomplete').prop('placeholder', 'Fandom');
    // two-line display with labels in separate flexboxes, or the second label would always move up into the first row
    else {
        $('#new_tag_search #smallsearch_second dt').hide();

        $('#new_tag_search #smallsearch_first > *').slice(0,2).wrapAll('<div id="smallsearch_firstA"></div>');
        $('#new_tag_search #smallsearch_first > *').slice(1).wrapAll('<div id="smallsearch_firstB"></div>');
        custom_css += `
            #new_tag_search #smallsearch_firstA, #new_tag_search #smallsearch_firstB {
                display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; column-gap: 1rem; row-gap: 0rem; align-items: flex-end;
            #new_tag_search #smallsearch_first dt { float: none; align-self: start; max-width: 10em; }
            #new_tag_search #smallsearch_first dd { min-width: 15em; width: unset; flex-grow: 1; }

    $("head").append("<style type='text/css'>" + custom_css + "</style>");

    let labels = settings.get('labels') == "y" ? true : false;
    let btntxt = settings.get('btntxt') == "y" ? true : false;

    // (code readability) calling functions that'll rewrite the choices into buttons or selects, per config
    if (settings.get('sort') === "h") {
        // hide the sort by/dir from view (but their original <select> are still there)
        $('#new_tag_search #smallsearch_second dd').slice(2).hide();
        // select the correct <option> in the background so default sort config will still work
        $('#new_tag_search select[name="tag_search[sort_column]"]').find(`option[value="${opt_selected.get("tag_search[sort_column]")}"]`).prop('selected', true);
        $('#new_tag_search select[name="tag_search[sort_direction]"]').find(`option[value="${opt_selected.get("tag_search[sort_direction]")}"]`).prop('selected', true);
    else { // if not hidden, build them as buttons or selects

    // --- HELPER FUNCTIONS TO WRITE PAGE HTML -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    function writeTagTypeChoices() {
        let choices = $('#new_tag_search input[name="tag_search[type]"]');
        let style = settings.get('tag') || "s";
        let html = `<div id="search_type_choice">`;
        if (labels) html += `<label for="tag_search[type]">Tag Type</label><br />`;

        if (style === "b") { // buttons in control group
            let icons = { Fandom: "fa-archive", Character: "fa-user", Relationship: "fa-users", Freeform: "fa-tags", UnsortedTag: "fa-question", Any: "fa-asterisk" };
            $(choices).each(function() {
                html += `<label for="${}" title="${$(this).next().text()}"><i class="fa ${ this.value === "" ? icons.Any : icons[this.value]}"></i>
                    ${btntxt ? $(this).next().text() : "" }</label><input type="radio" id="${}" name="tag_search[type]" value="${this.value}"
                    ${ opt_selected.get("tag_search[type]") === this.value ? 'checked="checked"' : "" }>`;
            html += "</div>";
            $('#new_tag_search #smallsearch_second dd:nth-of-type(1)').html(html);
            $('input[name="tag_search[type]"]').checkboxradio({ icon: false });
        else if (style === "s") { // dropdown select
            html += `<select name="tag_search[type]" style="width: max-content">`;
            $(choices).each(function() {
                html += `<option value="${this.value}">${$(this).next().text()}</option>`;
            html += "</select></div>";
            $('#new_tag_search #smallsearch_second dd:nth-of-type(1)').html(html); // write the new <select> to page
            $('#new_tag_search select[name="tag_search[type]"]').find(`option[value="${opt_selected.get("tag_search[type]")}"]`).prop('selected', true); // select the correct <option>
            $('#new_tag_search select[name="tag_search[type]"]').selectmenu({ width: null }); // prettify

    function writeTagStatusChoices() {
        let choices = $('#new_tag_search input[name="tag_search[canonical]"]');
        let style = settings.get('tag') || "s";
        let html = `<div id="search_status_choice">`;
        if (labels) html += `<label for="tag_search[canonical]">Tag Status</label><br />`;

        if (style === "b") { // buttons in control group
            let icons = { T: "fa-check-square", F: "fa-square-o", Any: "fa-asterisk" };
            $(choices).each(function() {
                html += `<label for="${}" title="${$(this).next().text()}"><i class="fa ${ this.value === "" ? icons.Any : icons[this.value]}"></i>
                    ${btntxt ? $(this).next().text() : "" }</label><input type="radio" id="${}" name="tag_search[canonical]" value="${this.value}"
                    ${ opt_selected.get("tag_search[canonical]") === this.value ? 'checked="checked"' : "" }>`;
            html += "</div>";
            $('#new_tag_search #smallsearch_second dd:nth-of-type(2)').html(html);
            $('input[name="tag_search[canonical]"]').checkboxradio({ icon: false });
        else if (style === "s") { // dropdown select
            html += `<select name="tag_search[canonical]" style="width: max-content">`;
            $(choices).each(function() {
                html += `<option value="${this.value}">${$(this).next().text()}</option>"`;
            html += "</select></div>";
            $('#new_tag_search #smallsearch_second dd:nth-of-type(2)').html(html); // write the new <select> to page
            $('#new_tag_search select[name="tag_search[canonical]"]').find(`option[value="${opt_selected.get("tag_search[canonical]")}"]`).prop('selected', true); // select the correct <option>
            $('#new_tag_search select[name="tag_search[canonical]"]').selectmenu({ width: null }); // prettify

    function writeSortByChoices() {
        let choices = $('#new_tag_search select[name="tag_search[sort_column]"] option');
        let style = settings.get('sort') || "s";
        let html = `<div id="search_sort_choice">`;

        if (style === "b") { // buttons in control group
            if (labels) html += `<label for="tag_search[sort_column]">Sort By</label><br />`;
            let icons = { name: "fa-font", created_at: "fa-calendar", uses: "fa-bar-chart" };
            $(choices).each(function() {
                html += `<label for="tag_search_sort_${this.value}" title="${$(this).text()}"><i class="fa ${icons[this.value]}"></i>
                    ${btntxt ? $(this).text() : "" }</label><input type="radio" id="tag_search_sort_${this.value}" name="tag_search[sort_column]" value="${this.value}"
                    ${ opt_selected.get("tag_search[sort_column]") === this.value ? 'checked="checked"' : "" }>`;
            html += "</div>";
            $('#new_tag_search #smallsearch_second dd:nth-of-type(3)').html(html);
            // jQueryUI make it pretty
            $('input[name="tag_search[sort_column]"]').checkboxradio({ icon: false });
            // change eventhandler (on any <input> = button within this controlgroup) to dynamically update the ASC/DESC labels
            $('#search_sort_choice').on('change', "input", function() { onSortByChange('BUTTON'); });
        else if (style === "s") { // dropdown select
            let select = $('#new_tag_search select[name="tag_search[sort_column]"]').css('width', '15em');
            if (!labels) $(choices).prepend("Sort by "); // add the "sort by" text into the <option>s if the labels are hidden
            else $(select).before(`<label for="tag_search[sort_column]">Sort By</label><br />`);
            $(choices).each(function() {
                if (opt_selected.get("tag_search[sort_column]") === this.value) $(this).prop('selected', true);
            // jQueryUI make it pretty (width null forces original size) - with a change eventhandler to dynamically update the ASC/DESC labels
            $( select ).selectmenu({ width: null, change: function(event, ui) { onSortByChange('SELECT'); } });

    function writeSortDirChoices() {
        let choices = $('#new_tag_search select[name="tag_search[sort_direction]"] option');
        let style = settings.get('sort') || "s";
        let html = `<div id="search_order_choice">`;

        if (style === "b") { // buttons in control group
            if (labels) html += `<label for="tag_search[sort_direction]">Sort Direction</label><br />`;
            $(choices).each(function() {
                let dir_readable = getAscDescAlias($('[name="tag_search[sort_column]"]:checked').prop('value'), this.value); // readable name depends on which sort-by is selected
                let dir_icon = !labels ? getAscDescIcon($('[name="tag_search[sort_column]"]:checked').prop('value'), this.value) : `<i class="fa fa-sort-amount-${this.value}"></i>`;
                html += `<label for="tag_search_sort_${this.value}" title="${dir_readable}">${dir_icon} ${btntxt ? dir_readable : "" }</label>
                    <input type="radio" id="tag_search_sort_${this.value}" name="tag_search[sort_direction]" value="${this.value}"
                    ${ opt_selected.get("tag_search[sort_direction]") === this.value ? 'checked="checked"' : "" }>`;
            html += "</div>";
            $('#new_tag_search #smallsearch_second dd:nth-of-type(4)').html(html);
            // jQueryUI make it pretty
            $('input[name="tag_search[sort_direction]"]').checkboxradio({ icon: false });
        else if (style === "s") { // dropdown select
            let select = $('#new_tag_search select[name="tag_search[sort_direction]"]').css('width', '13em');
            if (labels) $(select).before(`<label for="tag_search[sort_direction]">Sort Direction</label><br />`);
            // change ASC/DESC into something human-readable
            $(select).find('option').each(function() {
                let dir_readable = getAscDescAlias($('[name="tag_search[sort_column]"]').prop('value'), this.value);
                this.innerText = dir_readable;
                if (opt_selected.get("tag_search[sort_direction]") === this.value) $(this).prop('selected', true);
            // jQueryUI make it pretty (width null forces original size)
            $( select ).selectmenu({ width: null });

    // --- DELEGATED EVENT HANDLERS FOR REACTIVE PAGE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // event handler listening to user changing the sort by field so we can update the text on the ASC/DESC
    function onSortByChange(elemType) {
        if (elemType === "SELECT") {
            // grab the now selected sort-by
            let new_sort_by =  $('[name="tag_search[sort_column]"]').prop('value');
            // update the labels of the ASC/DESC on our original form elements
            $('#new_tag_search [name="tag_search[sort_direction]"] option').each(function() {
                let dir_readable = getAscDescAlias(new_sort_by, this.value);
                this.innerText = dir_readable;
            // refresh the jQueryUI elements to show the same new labels
            $('#new_tag_search select[name="tag_search[sort_direction]"]').selectmenu( "refresh" );
        else {
            // grab the now selected sort-by
            let new_sort_by =  $('[name="tag_search[sort_column]"]:checked').prop('value');
            // update the labels of the ASC/DESC on our original form elements
            let dir_readable = getAscDescAlias(new_sort_by, 'asc');
            if (labels) $('#new_tag_search label[for="tag_search_sort_asc"]').prop('title', dir_readable).html(`<i class="fa fa-sort-amount-asc"></i> ${dir_readable}`);
            else $('#new_tag_search label[for="tag_search_sort_asc"]').prop('title', dir_readable).html(getAscDescIcon(new_sort_by, 'asc'));

            dir_readable = getAscDescAlias(new_sort_by, 'desc');
            if (labels) $('#new_tag_search label[for="tag_search_sort_desc"]').prop('title', dir_readable).html(`<i class="fa fa-sort-amount-desc"></i> ${dir_readable}`);
            else $('#new_tag_search label[for="tag_search_sort_desc"]').prop('title', dir_readable).html(getAscDescIcon(new_sort_by, 'desc'));
