バイパス 全て ショートリンク


< バイパス 全て ショートリンクについてのフィードバック


投稿日: 2022/10/22

Hi there fellow developer! I was kinda terrified by your script formatting, so I did some refactoring to make it a little bit less heavy and more readable. Hope that's gonna help! Here is link: https://privatebin.net/?0fa359d4099e11f2#AVAcNmeJUEjgQH2uYw4xf3UXW4chZnMS7eTHwDMWaq34 (It's open source version of Paste Bin)

投稿日: 2022/10/22

Thanks so much for improving my script , when i have time, i will test it first with mobile browsers, because SetTimeout and setInterval Mode using Array , not much different with my old code version 17.8 https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/431691-bypass-all-shortlinks/code?version=1026216 , but not working well with android browsers , That's why I changed it back to what it is now.

投稿日: 2022/10/22

tested with desktop , firefox browser + violentmonkey, not working Uncaught TypeError: intervalMode[_intervalMode[i]] is undefined

投稿日: 2022/10/23

@bloggerpemula here is fixed version: https://privatebin.net/?41f0863d694bed1d#7EJjatTMH5mm6qRsDd2REGEUwawwxrDmBqef69rTCkeG forgot to replace timeoutMode with intervalMode in _intervalMode 😅

投稿日: 2022/10/23

Thank you, tested with android browsers, look like will works for all sites in the lists , i will use it in the next update

投稿日: 2022/10/23

@bloggerpemula No problem! Next time I will try to make it even more light weighted. :p

