Google Drive Preview Link button

Create a button to go to the preview link in the Google Drive File link.

< Google Drive Preview Link buttonについてのフィードバック

レート:良 – スクリプトは良好に動作する

投稿日: 2022/03/01

Can you update new code because it can't work on the Google Drive now

投稿日: 2022/04/03

I updated it.

投稿日: 2022/04/06

I updated it.

Sorry, i still can't see the preview link button with new version. Can you recheck again please? Thank you so much.

投稿日: 2022/04/12

It works fine with my Chrome and Firefox browser's tampermonkey extension.
Can you upload a screenshot of the console tab of the DevTools(F12 Key) and a sample of the link that does not work?

投稿日: 2022/04/15

It works fine with my Chrome and Firefox browser's tampermonkey extension.
Can you upload a screenshot of the console tab of the DevTools(F12 Key) and a sample of the link that does not work?

I see some issues when using F12, you can check the screenshoots. I'm using Chromemium 100.0.4896.88 and you can also check with the sample gg link Here is the advice link that to fix the the violations in F12

投稿日: 2022/04/18

Just add this this script ->
OR use the Tampermonkey instead of the Violentmonkey.

投稿日: 2022/04/18

Just add this this script ->
OR use the Tampermonkey instead of the Violentmonkey.

It works now. Thank you so much

投稿日: 2022/12/10

Just add this this script ->
OR use the Tampermonkey instead of the Violentmonkey.

Can you check the script again because it doesn't work now. Thanks for you support

投稿日: 2023/01/01

fixed. sorry for checking late.

投稿日: 2023/01/03

fixed. sorry for checking late.

Thank for you support. The script works ok now.

