Expand width in www.facebook.com

Expand width in www.facebook.com. Hide top bar and it will show only if mouse cursor move to top. Hide chat bar and it will show only if mouse cursor move to right side.

< Expand width in www.facebook.comについてのフィードバック

レート:可 - スクリプトは動作するがバグがある

投稿日: 2018/08/31


It doesn't work anymore. It override left column. Could you fix it please ?

投稿日: 2018/11/06

Sorry, I update now. If you have any problem, please take some screenshot let me know. the rule in facebook page is so complicate.

投稿日: 2018/11/09

Seems Facebook totaly change their code.... Now my page is totally buggy. Horizontal scroll bar. Chat is transparent and above a column I want to delete....

投稿日: 2018/11/14

Oh...... I thought other people will like the transparent chat bar. Because chat bar will override on right column. let me think how to modify those problem. please be patient.

投稿日: 2018/11/14

Update now!!!! New function: Hide top bar and it will show only if mouse cursor hover on it. Hide chat bar and it will show only if mouse cursor move to right side. Try it!!!!

投稿日: 2018/11/16

OK, it works.... But first time without chat and top bar... thinking it was really broke. lol

