// ==UserScript==
// @name AO3 Review + Last Chapter Shortcut + Kudos-sortable Bookmarks
// @namespace saxamaphone
// @version 2.2
// @description Adds shortcuts for last chapter and a floaty review box, sorts bookmarks by kudos (slow) and allows filter by complete only, download link to listing
// @author You
// @match http://archiveofourown.org/*
// @match https://archiveofourown.org/*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// Change here to pick what filetype you want the default download to be
var sTypeWanted = 'epub';
var oTypeMapping = {
'mobi': 1,
'epub': 2,
'pdf': 3,
'html': 4
// From http://stackoverflow.com/a/1909997/584004
(function (jQuery, undefined) {
jQuery.fn.getCursorPosition = function() {
var el = jQuery(this).get(0);
var pos = 0;
if('selectionStart' in el) {
pos = el.selectionStart;
} else if('selection' in document) {
var Sel = document.selection.createRange();
var SelLength = document.selection.createRange().text.length;
Sel.moveStart('character', -el.value.length);
pos = Sel.text.length - SelLength;
return pos;
// From http://stackoverflow.com/a/841121/584004
(function (jQuery, undefined) {
jQuery.fn.selectRange = function(start, end) {
if(end === undefined) {
end = start;
return this.each(function() {
if('selectionStart' in this) {
this.selectionStart = start;
this.selectionEnd = end;
} else if(this.setSelectionRange) {
this.setSelectionRange(start, end);
} else if(this.createTextRange) {
var range = this.createTextRange();
range.moveEnd('character', end);
range.moveStart('character', start);
// From http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11582512/how-to-get-url-parameters-with-javascript/11582513#11582513, modified to allow [] in params
function getURLParameter(name) {
return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]' + name + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec(location.search.replace(/\[/g, '%5B').replace(/\]/g, '%5D')) || [null, ''])[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20')) || null;
function getStoryId()
var aMatch = window.location.pathname.match(/works\/(\d+)/);
if(aMatch !== null)
return aMatch[1];
return jQuery('#chapter_index li form').attr('action').match(/works\/(\d+)/)[1];
function getBookmarks(sNextPath, aBookmarks, oDeferred) {
jQuery.get(sNextPath, function(oData) {
aBookmarks = jQuery.merge(aBookmarks, jQuery(oData).find('li.bookmark'));
if(jQuery(oData).find('.next a').length)
getBookmarks(jQuery(oData).find('.next').first().find('a').attr('href'), aBookmarks, oDeferred);
jQuery(window).ready(function() {
// Process bookmarks first because of extra sorting steps. Once this is done, handle everything else
var oBookmarksProcessed = jQuery.Deferred();
// If on the bookmarks page, add option to sort by kudos
if(window.location.pathname.indexOf('/bookmarks') != -1)
// Wait to handle the bookmarks after they're loaded
var oBookmarksLoaded = jQuery.Deferred();
var bKudos = false, bComplete = false;
// Add options for Kudos sorting and Complete works only
jQuery('#bookmark_search_sort_column').append('<option value="kudos_count">Kudos</option>');
jQuery('#bookmark_search_with_notes').parent().after('<dt>Status</dt><dd><input id="work_search_complete" name="work_search[complete]" type="checkbox" value="1"/><label for="work_search_complete">Complete only</label></dd>');
if(getURLParameter('bookmark_search%5Bsort_column%5D') == 'kudos_count')
bKudos = true;
if(getURLParameter('work_search%5Bcomplete%5D') == '1')
jQuery('#work_search_complete').attr('checked', 'checked');
bComplete = true;
// If either option has been selected, we perform our own process
if(bKudos || bComplete)
// Get bookmarks, this takes at least a few seconds so we have to wait for that to finish
var aBookmarks = [];
getBookmarks(window.location.href.replace(/&page=\d+/, ''), aBookmarks, oBookmarksLoaded);
jQuery.when(oBookmarksLoaded).done(function () {
aBookmarks.sort(function(oA, oB) {
return (parseInt(jQuery(oB).find('dd.kudos').find('a').html()) || 0) - (parseInt(jQuery(oA).find('dd.kudos').find('a').html()) || 0);
jQuery.each(aBookmarks, function(iArrayIndex) {
var sChapters = jQuery(this).find('dd.chapters').html();
if(sChapters !== undefined)
var aChapters = sChapters.split('\/');
if(aChapters[0] != aChapters[1])
aBookmarks.splice(iArrayIndex, 1);
else if (jQuery(this).find('.stats').length === 0)
aBookmarks.splice(iArrayIndex, 1);
var iPage = getURLParameter('page');
if(iPage === null)
iPage = 1;
var iIndex;
var iNumBookmarks = aBookmarks.length;
for(iIndex = (iPage-1) * 20; iIndex < (iPage*20) && iIndex < iNumBookmarks; iIndex++)
// If bookmarks are limited by Complete, change the number displayed
var sPrevHeading = jQuery('h2.heading').html();
jQuery('h2.heading').html(sPrevHeading.replace(/\d+ - \d+ of \d+/, (iPage-1)*20+1 + ' - ' + iIndex + ' of ' + aBookmarks.length));
// Repaginate if necessary
var iFinalPage = jQuery('ol.pagination').first().find('li').not('.previous, .next').last().text();
var iNewFinalPage = Math.ceil(iNumBookmarks/20);
if(iFinalPage > iNewFinalPage)
// Rules for AO3 pagination are way too complicated for me to bother replicating, so just going to remove extra pages
var aPageLinks = jQuery('ol.pagination').first().find('li');
jQuery('ol.pagination').find('li a').each(function () {
if(jQuery.isNumeric(jQuery(this).text()) && jQuery(this).text() > iNewFinalPage)
// Deactivate the last Next link if necessary
if(iPage == iNewFinalPage)
jQuery('ol.pagination').find('li.next').html('<li class="next" title="next"><span class="disabled">Next →</span></li>');
jQuery.when(oBookmarksProcessed).done(function() {
// Check if you're on a story or a list
// If not a story page, presume an index page (tags, collections, author, bookmarks, series) and process each work individually, add last chapter link to the end
if(jQuery('.header h4.heading').length)
// Near as I can figure, the best way of identifying actual stories in an index page is with the h4 tag with class 'heading' within a list of type 'header'
jQuery('.header h4.heading').each(function() {
var sStoryPath = jQuery(this).find('a').first().attr('href');
var oHeader = this;
// If link is from collections, get proper link
var aMatch = sStoryPath.match(/works\/(\d+)/);
if(aMatch !== null)
var iStoryId = aMatch[1];
// Access first chapter of story to get last chapter and download links
jQuery.get('https://archiveofourown.org/works/' + iStoryId, function(oData) {
var iLastChapterId = jQuery(oData).find('#selected_id option').last().val();
jQuery(oHeader).append(' <a href="/works/' + iStoryId + '/chapters/' + iLastChapterId +'" title="Jump to last chapter">»</a>');
// Use the chosen filetype from the beginning
var sDownloadLink = jQuery(oData).find('.download ul li:nth-child(' + oTypeMapping[sTypeWanted] + ') a').attr('href');
console.log('link: '+sDownloadLink);
jQuery(oHeader).append(' <a href="' + sDownloadLink + '" title="Download work">↡</a>');
}).fail(function() {
// Review box and last chapter buttons are story-specific
else if(jQuery('ul.work'))
// HTML to define layout of popup box
// Include x button to close box
var sHtml = '<p class="close actions" id="close_floaty"><a aria-label="cancel" style="display: inline-block;">×</a></p>';
// Button to insert highlighted text and for a help list
sHtml += '<ul class="actions" style="float: left; margin-top: 10px;"><li id="insert_floaty_text"><a>Insert</a></li><li id="pop_up_review_tips"><a>Review Tips</a></li></ul>';
// Textarea
sHtml += '<textarea style="margin: 5px; width: 99%;" id="floaty_textarea"></textarea>';
// Create popup box
jQuery("<div/>", {
id: "reviewTextArea",
width:600, // Change for dimensions
height:300, // Change for dimensions
css: {
opacity: 0.75,
border: "thin solid black",
display: "inline-block",
"padding-right": 10,
position: "fixed",
top: 150,
right: 5
html: sHtml
// Hide the popup box by default (comment out line below if you want it to always appear by adding // before it)
// To close the box
jQuery('#close_floaty').click(function() {
// Anything you type in the box gets inserted into the real comment box below
jQuery('#floaty_textarea').on('input', function() {
// Add Float review box button to the top
jQuery('ul.work').prepend('<li id="floaty_review_box"><a>Floaty Review Box</a></li>');
// If the above button is clicked, display the review box
jQuery('#floaty_review_box').click(function() {
// Insert highlighted/selected text into textarea when Insert button is clicked
jQuery('#insert_floaty_text').click(function() {
var sInitialText = jQuery('#floaty_textarea').val();
var iPosition = jQuery('#floaty_textarea').getCursorPosition();
var sHighlightedText = window.getSelection().toString();
var sNewText = sInitialText.substr(0, iPosition) + '<i>"' + sHighlightedText + '"</i>\n' + sInitialText.substr(iPosition);
// Copy into real comment box
// Create the review tips box
sReviewTipsHtml = '<p class="close actions" id="close_review_tips"><a aria-label="cancel" style="display: inline-block;">×</a></p>' +
'Writers will love any love you give them. If you're looking for things to help jumpstart a review, there are lots of different things you could focus on.<br />' +
'<ul><li>Quotes you liked</li><li>Scenes you liked</li><li>What's your feeling at the end of the chapter (did it move you?)</li><li>What are you most looking forward to next?</li>' +
'<li>Do you have any predictions for the next chapters you want to share?</li><li>Did this chapter give you any questions you can't wait to find out the answers for?</li>' +
'<li>How would you describe the fic to a friend if you were recommending it?</li><li>Is there something unique about the story that you like?</li><li>Does the author have a style that really works for you?</li>' +
'<li>Did the author leave any comments in the notes that said what they wanted feedback on?</li>' +
'<li>Even if all you have are "incoherent screams of delight", and can't come up with a real comment at the moment, authors love to hear that as well</li></ul>';
jQuery("<div/>", {
id: "reviewTips",
width:600, // Change for dimensions
height:300, // Change for dimensions
css: {
border: "thin solid black",
'font-size': '80%',
padding: '10px 10px 0 10px',
position: "fixed",
top: 150,
right: 620
html: sReviewTipsHtml
jQuery('#reviewTips li').css('list-style', 'circle inside none');
// Pop up list of review tips
jQuery('#pop_up_review_tips').click(function() {
jQuery('#close_review_tips').click(function() {
// Before adding button for Last Chapter, make sure we're not on the last (or only) chapter already
// Add button for Last Chapter
jQuery('ul.work').prepend('<li id="go_to_last_chap"><a>Last Chapter</a></li>');
// If the above button is clicked, go to last chapter
jQuery('#go_to_last_chap').click(function() {
window.location.href = '/works/' + getStoryId() + '/chapters/' + jQuery('#selected_id option').last().val();
// Adding a First Chapter button
// Add button for First Chapter
jQuery('ul.work').prepend('<li id="go_to_first_chap"><a>First Chapter</a></li>');
// If the above button is clicked, go to first chapter
jQuery('#go_to_first_chap').click(function() {
window.location.href = '/works/' + getStoryId();