(Deprecated) Instagram Source Opener

Open the original source of an IG post, story or profile picture

< (Deprecated) Instagram Source Openerについてのフィードバック

レート:良 – スクリプトは良好に動作する

投稿日: 2020/10/31

story photos not in full size. seems like IG urls output only square format photos. url needs to be cleaned

投稿日: 2020/10/31

fixed it with this code (get the biggest from srcset instead of src file)

var srcset = image.getAttribute("srcset");
var srcset_arr=srcset.split('w,');
for(var key in srcset_arr){ //loop array
if(key==0){ //find first element
imageSource=(srcset_arr[key]).split(' ')[0]; //first element of sub array

投稿日: 2020/11/01

Hey, using just src seems to work for me, but your suggestion is good and adds reliability, so thanks for that. I'm changing the script to use srcset first.

投稿日: 2020/11/01


投稿日: 2020/11/02

Thanks for adding this. With your version I only got a square format photo (750x750) and not the full width one.
Guess instagram is changing again and again.

投稿日: 2020/11/03

So you're getting a bigger image with your code?

投稿日: 2020/11/03

Thats what I tried to explain :)

srcset delivers full widht/height picture
src only a square format picture

投稿日: 2020/11/03
編集日: 2020/11/03

I understood that, I'm asking if you still get better results with your code with the new version, because I change it to find the highest image available in the srcset...

投稿日: 2020/11/04

Your code works fine :)

