Reddit Multi Column

Multi column layout for reddit redesign

< Reddit Multi Columnについてのフィードバック

レート:可 - スクリプトは動作するがバグがある

投稿日: 2024/09/07

This stopped working on new.reddit and regular reddit a couple weeks ago. It seems to work on the main page now but keeps resetting you back if you try to scroll down. Also, while some profiles work, a lot are all jumbled to a line along the left hand of the screen.

投稿日: 2024/09/09

Both works for me with v0.2.0. Could you post a screenshot and share problematic URLs?

投稿日: 2024/09/09

For example on or any other subreddit when I scroll down it keeps snapping back up so I can't actually make any progress beyond the first screen or two's worth of posts. If I try to click on a profile, some work, and some are condensed to a line, as per my screenshot.

投稿日: 2024/09/11

I've updated to version 0.2.1 but my problem persists. This is the only code I have running on reddit and now it seems to be affecting all profiles posts page instead of just a few. I've included an example screenshot I just took. The snapping back to the top of the subreddit issue is also still in effect. It happens about 7 posts down every time.

投稿日: 2024/09/11
編集日: 2024/09/11

I can't reproduce user page issue.

But it seems some subreddits loads articles in batches differently, reddit does not send the new batch. My script finds the feed empty, and jumps to the beginning. I'll try to find a solution.

投稿日: 2024/09/12

Further testing shows the user page issue to be on firefox, but not chrome if that helps.

投稿日: 2024/09/12

v0.2.2 should fix jumpiness.

Though I can't reproduce the user page issue, I'm on firefox too. Maybe they are A/B testing some layout change on user pages.

投稿日: 2024/09/12
編集日: 2024/09/12

Sorry to bug you but instead of jumping after 1 or two scrolls downward everything disappears. When I scroll back up only 2 or 3 posts are still there. Also, it doesn't seem to work on new.reddit at all.

投稿日: 2024/09/12

Duh! Reddit hiding articles according to scroll position. And I'm assigning articles to too far away positions.

It was perfectly working when I tested, but now I'm seeing the described behaviour.

It seems sometimes, articles distributed to columns too unevenly. And when I fixed the positions, what you get is empty columns.

投稿日: 2024/09/13

@Likander updated. Check v0.2.3.

