Steam Wholesale Sites Extension

try to take over the world!

< Steam Wholesale Sites Extensionについてのフィードバック


投稿日: 2018/04/15

steamkeys.ovh维护后同步无效,新激活的游戏不变绿。 帐号已经设置成公开状态。

投稿日: 2018/04/19

我這邊沒問題耶 看看 是否有資料 如為空請確認是否登入

投稿日: 2018/06/16

I don't know where to write but i found a bit usable if you buy keys by 1, to make on order page link to the steam site to activate it faster. Like adding link in front of the key So result would be like

投稿日: 2018/06/23

@Renoz fghhdfh

Added an icon that opens the Steam activation URL

投稿日: 2018/07/14
編集日: 2018/07/14

Thank you for added feature.

If you still accept enchancements i've come up with usefullness of hiding DLCs from the list. I've done it as adding following from the 292th line of your current script.

var GameName = element.innerText.toUpperCase();
        if (GameName.indexOf('DLC')>-1) callback($ele, 'SWSE_owned');

It counts all DLCs as owned and "HIDE OWNED" button hides them as well. I also have an idea of possibly sorting apps by sorting the highest ratio of lowesprice on market divided by the actual SteamStore price to count the games with highest discount, but i'm not sure how to implement it. But i'm pretty sure that there is the way to make button for example hide games with discont <=85% .

And on top of that: maybe there's a way to pass coupon code to the page of purchasing?

投稿日: 2018/07/25

Sorry for getting back this late, I really need a notification email or something lol

I will add your requested features maybe this weekend.

投稿日: 2018/09/10

Sorry. I've been waiting for the whole month and thought you forgot about it, cause when i updated the script it didn't work for me and only now i tried to check trough the code and realised it's been there for all that time and the thing why i wasn't able to get it working because i used the version of site without the www. prefix XD. I feel so stupid right now. But for you to know, your work is really appreciated, everything works very cool and i find your skills extremely astonishing! Many much thankies to you!

投稿日: 2018/09/12

Thank you, really appreciate it.

I added www. & non www. match in the script in the last update, not sure why it didn't work for you.

投稿日: 2018/09/12

Thank you for kepping it up to date:) Looks like www did matter.

In case you want to widen auditory of the script, here's a russian translation

        name: 'Русский',
        settingsTitle: 'Настройки',
        settingsCount: 'Приобретаемое количество',
        settingsEmail: 'Email для покупок',
        settingsLanguage: 'Язык',
        menuHideOwned: 'Скрыть имеющиеся',
        menuShowOwned: 'Показать имеющиеся',
        menuHideDLC: 'Скрыть DLC',
        menuShowDLC: 'Показать DLC',
        menuSyncLibrary: 'Синхронизировать список игр',
        menuFilterDiscount: 'Фильтр скидок',
        menuFilterDiscountLoading: 'Скидки загружаются...',
        menuSort: 'Сортировка',
        keyField: 'Steam ключи',
        payButtonText: 'Оплатить',
        syncSuccessTitle: 'Синхронизация успешна',
        syncSuccess: 'Успешно синхронизированы данные Steam библиотеки'
投稿日: 2018/09/14

Figured out why the non www site could not trigger the script, I forgot to add a switch case for it lol

Script was updated to v1.6.0 as I re-write the discount part to boost performance / minimise lag, though still not perfect but can't do much about manipulating over 1000 DOMs.

Thank you for the contribution, script has updated to v1.7.0 for Russian support.

