Jason Barnabe, the administrator of Greasy Fork,
has open source code of this site in Github (GPLv3 licensed).
Max Starkenburg, a great web designer,
is making a theme for Greasy Fork, and made a pull request on the official repository suggesting their changes.
While this issue is under development, I made this userscript to have a preview of that theme.
I made some changes to the Starkenburg's version, to improve some things like the pagination,
and I added a similar style to the forum and the login screens.
I know that not everyone has an account on GitHub, so I make public this userscript as a contribution to the community,
so all GreasyFork users can contribute their ideas. Please feel free to test, rate and comment.
I want to thank the great work of Max Starkenburg
and Jason Barnabe, without whom this code would not have existed.
Updated 2016-12-19: Style was included into the greasyfork.org site!