JR Mturk Panda Crazy

Collects panda's for you at a certain cycle instead of timers. Lot of organizing of panda's and grouping them together to start and stop them at once.

< JR Mturk Panda Crazyについてのフィードバック

レート:良 – スクリプトは良好に動作する

Deleted user 61796
投稿日: 2018/02/13
編集日: 2018/02/20

Hits not updating information when found [SOLVED]

Not sure what's going on but hit information isn't updated when a hit is found and if the hit is set to get once, it doesn't shut itself off.

Also if you have a hit on go ham mode and supposed to be collected once, go ham mode and panda are not turned off once the hit is accepted.

Deleted user 61796
投稿日: 2018/02/13

It's not even getting once on hits now. Just pandad a survey (made sure once was elected) and it got 13 of them.

投稿日: 2018/02/13

Be sure you have it updated to 0.6.3. Mturk changed things a week ago which made that happened but now it should be fixed.

投稿日: 2018/02/14

I'm updated to 6.3 and am having this same problem this morning. I have one panda I run everyday that Once is set to True and it's collected 6 so far this morning.

投稿日: 2018/02/14
編集日: 2018/02/14

I am not seeing this problem. I have no idea why this would be happening. If you can do a CTRL SHIFT J and check to see if there are any errors in red that can help me fix it. It's weird that some people are getting this and others are not. Seems like mturk changed things for individuals now.

投稿日: 2018/02/14

I'm sorry..."do a j"? I don't know what that means.

投稿日: 2018/02/14


Deleted user 61796
投稿日: 2018/02/14
編集日: 2018/02/14

I've got 2 errors and 2 warnings:

Uncaught (in promise) chrome-extension://iglbakfobmoijpbigmlfklckogbefnlf/mturk/block-list-on-mturk.js:55 TypeError: Cannot read property 'prepend' of undefined
at chrome-extension://iglbakfobmoijpbigmlfklckogbefnlf/mturk/block-list-on-mturk.js:55

Uncaught (in promise) chrome-extension://iglbakfobmoijpbigmlfklckogbefnlf/mturk/pagination-last-page.js:8 TypeError: react.getProps is not a function
at chrome-extension://iglbakfobmoijpbigmlfklckogbefnlf/mturk/pagination-last-page.js:8

The SSL certificate ?filters[search_term]=pandacrazy=on:1 used to load resources from https://fls-na.amazon.com will be distrusted in M70. Once distrusted, users will be prevented from loading these resources. See https://g.co/chrome/symantecpkicerts for more information.

The SSL certificate ?filters[search_term]=pandacrazy=on:1 used to load resources from https://ddvx2zdcut4vw.cloudfront.net will be distrusted in M70. Once distrusted, users will be prevented from loading these resources. See https://g.co/chrome/symantecpkicerts for more information.

Deleted user 61796
投稿日: 2018/02/14

Somebody else copy/paste what they have maybe to see what matches?

Deleted user 61796
投稿日: 2018/02/19

Anyone here?

投稿日: 2018/02/19

I’ve not had it happen again so I’d post if it had.

投稿日: 2018/02/19

My best guess is that it's happening because mturk is displaying wrong error messages. It might be displaying multiple error messages and the script isn't grabbing all the error messages so it gets confused which one is correct or it just misses something. I'm trying to figure out if I can get it to recognize things correctly in a future update.

Few things you can try is clear your cache, remove cookies from mturk.com and log off completely. Sometimes when you log off it doesn't actually log you off.

Deleted user 61796
投稿日: 2018/02/19

I'll try clearing cookies as I never delete cookies from mturk site.
Yeah, I don't even get any message telling me when a hit has been found and PC is whitelisted by chrome to do that. I'll post another message later tonight.

Deleted user 61796
投稿日: 2018/02/19
I’ve not had it happen again so I’d post if it had.

Did you clear cookies after your initial post?

投稿日: 2018/02/19

I did.

Deleted user 61796
投稿日: 2018/02/20

OK, deleted PC script & worker site date and reinstalled. That worked! No errors on the page now. Somehow something got corrupted along the way I suppose. All solved.

