Forbes - Skip Welcome Screen

Skips the welcome screen; The one with the "Thought of the Day" and the full page ad. Pretty much simulates clicking the link, "Skip this welcome screen", as soon as the welcome screen loads.

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Forbes - Skip Welcome Screen
// @namespace
// @description    Skips the welcome screen; The one with the "Thought of the Day" and the full page ad. Pretty much simulates clicking the link, "Skip this welcome screen", as soon as the welcome screen loads.
// @author         KillerBadger
// @version        0.05 : 15-Sep-2016
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==



0.05 : 15-Sep-2016 Updated to new redirect page.
0.04 : 05-Oct-2015 Added setTimeout to click, in case the script runs too early.
0.03 : 12-Oct-2014 Changed script to work
0.02 : 24-Sep-2008 Added @namespace
0.01 : 03-Jul-2008 Initial release

Known Issues
Fanboy's Enhanced Tracking List breaks the Forbes welcome page.
Users of that list should add the following exceptionrule (ABP Options > Add your own filters):

Unnecessary Comments
I go to the site quite often and after so many days of seeing the welcome screen, I had to put something together. Grr!
url = document.URL;
newURL = extractURL(url,"toURL=","&refURL");

function redirect(nLoc) {
    document.title = 'Redirecting...';
function extractURL(rawElement, startString, endString) {
    b = String(rawElement);
    newLoc = b.substring(b.indexOf(startString)+startString.length,b.indexOf(endString));
    return newLoc;