- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Player Play Watch Or/And/Xor/Not
- // @namespace GLB
- // @include http://goallineblitz.com/game/game.pl?game_id=*&mode=pbp
- // @include http://glb.warriorgeneral.com/game/game.pl?game_id=*&mode=pbp
- // @author numone (http://userscripts.org/users/74270)
- // @version 13.12.29
- // @description Only show the plays the selected players were in on a GLB play-by-play page.
- // ==/UserScript==
- // pabst added Or/And/Xor/Not on 7/23/2013
- var CACHE = {};
- PlayerWatch = function(){
- var that = this;
- // div that holds everything
- this.mainDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
- var area = document.getElementById('pbp');
- area.insertBefore(this.mainDiv,area.firstChild);
- // open/close list button
- this.button = document.createElement('Input');
- this.button.setAttribute('type','button');
- this.button.setAttribute('value','Open Pannel');
- this.button.addEventListener('click',function() { that.gatherLists.apply(that); },false);
- this.mainDiv.appendChild(this.button);
- // div that holds the player's names
- this.innerDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
- this.mainDiv.appendChild(this.innerDiv);
- this.innerDiv.style.display = 'none';
- };
- PlayerWatch.prototype = {};
- PlayerWatch.prototype.gatherLists = function(){
- // take care of the button and div
- var that = this;
- this.button.setAttribute('value','Close Pannel');
- this.button.addEventListener('click',function() { that.closeLists.apply(that); },false);
- this.innerDiv.style.display = 'block';
- if(this.isLoaded){
- return;
- }
- // get the team's names and links
- this.team1 = {};
- this.team2 = {};
- var temp = document.getElementById('scoreboard');
- var links = temp.getElementsByTagName('A');
- this.team1.name = links[0].innerHTML;
- this.team1.link = links[0].getAttribute('href');
- this.team1.teamID = this.team1.link.split('=')[1];
- this.team1.rosterLink = '/game/roster.pl?team_id=' + this.team1.teamID;
- this.team2.name = links[1].innerHTML;
- this.team2.link = links[1].getAttribute('href');
- this.team2.teamID = this.team2.link.split('=')[1];
- this.team2.rosterLink = '/game/roster.pl?team_id=' + this.team2.teamID;
- this.getAjaxRequest(this.team1.rosterLink,this.setRoster1,this.innerDiv);
- };
- PlayerWatch.prototype.setRoster1 = function(address,xmlhttp){
- this.team1.results = xmlhttp;
- this.team1.holder = document.createElement('SPAN');
- this.team1.holder.innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;
- //this.mainDiv.appendChild(this.team1.holder);
- this.getAjaxRequest(this.team2.rosterLink,this.setRoster2,this.innerDiv);
- };
- PlayerWatch.prototype.setRoster2 = function(address,xmlhttp){
- var that = this;
- this.isLoaded = true;
- this.innerDiv.innerHTML = '';
- // embed the results
- this.team2.holder = document.createElement('SPAN');
- this.team2.holder.innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;
- // create results table
- this.mainTable = document.createElement('table');
- var tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
- var tr = document.createElement('tr');
- tr.setAttribute('class','nonalternating_color');
- this.innerDiv.appendChild(this.mainTable);
- this.mainTable.appendChild(tbody);
- tbody.appendChild(tr);
- // create the team names
- var td = document.createElement('td');
- td.setAttribute('colSpan','2');
- tr.appendChild(td);
- td.innerHTML = this.team1.name + ':'
- td = document.createElement('td');
- td.setAttribute('colSpan','2');
- tr.appendChild(td);
- td.innerHTML = this.team2.name + ':'
- // team 1
- this.team1.rows = [];
- var rosTable = this.team1.holder.getElementsByTagName('TABLE')[0].parentNode;
- this.team1.rows = rosTable.getElementsByTagName('TR');
- this.team1.stat = 0;
- // team 2
- this.team2.rows = [];
- rosTable = this.team2.holder.getElementsByTagName('TABLE')[0].parentNode;
- this.team2.rows = rosTable.getElementsByTagName('TR');
- this.team2.stat = 0;
- // writes the team to the div
- this.printTheTeams();
- this.orButton = document.createElement('input');
- this.orButton.setAttribute('id','playerPlayWatch_Or');
- this.orButton.setAttribute('type','radio');
- this.orButton.setAttribute('name','logic');
- this.orButton.setAttribute('checked', true);
- this.orLabel = document.createElement('label');
- this.orLabel.innerHTML = "Or";
- this.orSpan = document.createElement('span');
- this.orSpan.appendChild(this.orButton);
- this.orSpan.appendChild(this.orLabel);
- this.innerDiv.appendChild(this.orSpan);
- this.andButton = document.createElement('input');
- this.andButton.setAttribute('id','playerPlayWatch_And');
- this.andButton.setAttribute('type','radio');
- this.andButton.setAttribute('name','logic');
- this.andLabel = document.createElement('label');
- this.andLabel.innerHTML = "And";
- this.andSpan = document.createElement('span');
- this.andSpan.appendChild(this.andButton);
- this.andSpan.appendChild(this.andLabel);
- this.innerDiv.appendChild(this.andSpan);
- this.xorButton = document.createElement('input');
- this.xorButton.setAttribute('id','playerPlayWatch_Xor');
- this.xorButton.setAttribute('type','radio');
- this.xorButton.setAttribute('name','logic');
- this.xorLabel = document.createElement('label');
- this.xorLabel.innerHTML = "Xor";
- this.xorSpan = document.createElement('span');
- this.xorSpan.appendChild(this.xorButton);
- this.xorSpan.appendChild(this.xorLabel);
- this.innerDiv.appendChild(this.xorSpan);
- this.notButton = document.createElement('input');
- this.notButton.setAttribute('id','playerPlayWatch_Not');
- this.notButton.setAttribute('type','radio');
- this.notButton.setAttribute('name','logic');
- this.notLabel = document.createElement('label');
- this.notLabel.innerHTML = "Not";
- this.notSpan = document.createElement('span');
- this.notSpan.appendChild(this.notButton);
- this.notSpan.appendChild(this.notLabel);
- this.innerDiv.appendChild(this.notSpan);
- // create the button to filter the results
- this.runButton = document.createElement('input');
- this.runButton.setAttribute('type','button');
- this.runButton.setAttribute('value','Filter Results');
- this.innerDiv.appendChild(this.runButton);
- this.runButton.addEventListener('click',function() { that.startFiltering.apply(that); },false);
- // create a status div
- this.statusDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
- this.innerDiv.appendChild(this.statusDiv);
- this.info1 = document.createElement('SPAN');
- this.info2 = document.createElement('SPAN');
- this.info3 = document.createElement('SPAN');
- this.statusDiv.appendChild(this.info1);
- this.statusDiv.appendChild(this.info2);
- this.statusDiv.appendChild(this.info3);
- };
- PlayerWatch.prototype.startFiltering = function(){
- var checkboxs = this.mainTable.getElementsByTagName('input');
- var names = [];
- for(var i=0;i<checkboxs.length;i++){
- if(checkboxs[i].checked){
- names.push(checkboxs[i].getAttribute('playerName'));
- }
- }
- if(names.length == 0){
- alert('No Names Checked');
- return;
- }
- //this.runButton.setAttribute('disabled',true);
- // for(var i=0;i<names.length;i++){
- // console.log('checked: ' + names[i]);
- // }
- if(!this.cached){
- this.names = names;
- this.cachePlays(names);
- }else{
- this.filterRows(names);
- }
- };
- PlayerWatch.prototype.cachePlays = function(names){
- var that = this;
- this.hasMonsterkill = document.getElementById('statsDiv') ? true : false;
- console.log('monsterkill: ' + this.hasMonsterkill);
- var table = document.getElementById('play_by_play_table');
- var rows = table.getElementsByTagName('TR');
- // remove rows that aren't needed and count the total rows needed
- var useRows = [];
- for(var i=0;i<rows.length;i++){
- var c = " " + rows[i].className + " ";
- // it is a play
- if(c.indexOf(" pbp_play_row ") != -1 || c.indexOf(" pbp_play_row_scoring ") != -1 || c.indexOf(" pbp_play_row_turnover ") != -1){
- //console.log('row innerhtml: ' + rows[i].innerHTML);
- var link = rows[i].lastChild.previousSibling.firstChild.href;
- if(this.hasMonsterkill && link){
- if(this.isTimeout(rows[i])){
- useRows.push(rows[i]);
- continue;
- }else{
- useRows.push(rows[i]);
- i = i + 2;
- continue;
- }
- }else{ // replays only take up 1 row with MK
- useRows.push(rows[i]);
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- this.totalPlays = useRows.length;
- this.playNum = 0;
- this.info1.innerHTML = 'Cacheing play ';
- this.info2.innerHTML = this.playNum;
- this.info3.innerHTML = ' of ' + this.totalPlays;
- for(var i=0;i<useRows.length;i++){
- var link = useRows[i].lastChild.previousSibling.firstChild.href;
- if(link){
- this.cachePlay(link);
- }else{
- this.postCachePlay();
- }
- }
- };
- PlayerWatch.prototype.isTimeout = function(row){
- var td = getElementsByClassName('pbp_play',row)[0];
- //console.log('td innerhtml: ' + td.innerHTML);
- if(td.innerHTML == 'Offensive Timeout Called: ' + this.team1.name ||
- td.innerHTML == 'Offensive Timeout Called: ' + this.team2.name ||
- td.innerHTML == this.team1.name + ' calls timeout' ||
- td.innerHTML == this.team2.name + ' calls timeout' ||
- td.innerHTML == 'Defensive Timeout Called: ' + this.team1.name ||
- td.innerHTML == 'Defensive Timeout Called: ' + this.team2.name){
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- };
- PlayerWatch.prototype.cachePlay = function(link){
- this.getAjaxRequest(link,this.postCachePlay);
- };
- PlayerWatch.prototype.postCachePlay = function(link,xmlhttp){
- this.playNum++;
- this.info2.innerHTML = this.playNum;
- if(this.playNum == this.totalPlays){
- this.cached = true;
- this.filterRows(this.names);
- }
- };
- PlayerWatch.prototype.filterRows = function(names){
- var that = this;
- this.hasMonsterkill = document.getElementById('statsDiv') ? true : false;
- var table = document.getElementById('play_by_play_table');
- var rows = table.getElementsByTagName('TR');
- // remove rows that aren't needed and count the total rows needed
- var useRows = [];
- for(var i=0;i<rows.length;i++){
- var c = " " + rows[i].className + " ";
- // it is a play
- if(c.indexOf(" pbp_play_row ") != -1 || c.indexOf(" pbp_play_row_scoring ") != -1 || c.indexOf(" pbp_play_row_turnover ") != -1){
- var link = rows[i].lastChild.previousSibling.firstChild;
- link.target = '_blank';
- link = link.href;
- if(this.hasMonsterkill && link){
- if(this.isTimeout(rows[i])){
- useRows.push(rows[i]);
- continue;
- }else{
- useRows.push(rows[i]);
- i = i + 2;
- continue;
- }
- }else{ // replays only take up 1 row with MK
- useRows.push(rows[i]);
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- this.totalRows = useRows.length;
- this.currPlay = 0;
- this.info1.innerHTML = 'Processing play ';
- this.info2.innerHTML = this.currPlay;
- this.info3.innerHTML = ' of ' + this.totalRows;
- for(var i=0;i<useRows.length;i++){
- if(useRows[i]){
- var link = useRows[i].lastChild.previousSibling.firstChild.href;
- if(!link){
- this.filterFGPlays(useRows[i],names);
- }else{
- this.runFilter(link,useRows[i],names);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- PlayerWatch.prototype.filterFGPlays = function(row,names){
- var str = row.getElementsByTagName('TD')[3].innerHTML;
- for(var i=0;i<names.length;i++){
- if(str.indexOf(names[i]) != -1){
- row.style.display = '';
- return;
- }
- }
- row.style.display = 'none';
- this.currPlay++;
- this.info2.innerHTML = this.currPlay;
- if(this.currPlay >= this.totalRows){
- this.finishUpFiltering();
- }
- };
- // nextSibling can include line breaks in FF, this function will ignore them
- PlayerWatch.prototype.nextSibling = function(node){
- var endBrother = node.nextSibling;
- while(endBrother.nodeType != 1){
- if(!endBrother.nextSibling){
- console.log('%o',node);
- }
- endBrother = endBrother.nextSibling;
- }
- return endBrother;
- };
- PlayerWatch.prototype.runFilter = function(link,row,names){
- var that = this;
- if(this.isTimeout(row)){
- row.style.display = 'none';
- this.currPlay++;
- this.info2.innerHTML = this.currPlay;
- if(this.currPlay >= this.totalRows){
- this.finishUpFiltering();
- }
- return;
- }
- this.getAjaxRequest(link,function(theLink,xmlhttp){
- if(that.processPlay(names,xmlhttp)){
- row.style.display = '';
- if(that.hasMonsterkill){
- row = that.nextSibling(row);
- row.style.display = '';
- row = that.nextSibling(row);
- row.style.display = '';
- }
- }else{
- row.style.display = 'none';
- if(that.hasMonsterkill){
- row = that.nextSibling(row);
- row.style.display = 'none';
- row = that.nextSibling(row);
- row.style.display = 'none';
- }
- }
- that.currPlay++;
- that.info2.innerHTML = that.currPlay;
- if(that.currPlay >= that.totalRows){
- that.finishUpFiltering();
- }
- });
- };
- PlayerWatch.prototype.finishUpFiltering = function(){
- var that = this;
- window.setTimeout(function(){
- that.info1.innerHTML = '';
- that.info2.innerHTML = '';
- that.info3.innerHTML = '';
- },250);
- //this.runButton.setAttribute('disabled',false);
- };
- PlayerWatch.prototype.processPlay = function(names,result){
- var span = document.createElement('SPAN');
- span.innerHTML = result.responseText;
- var replayNames = getElementsByClassName('player_name',span);
- //console.log('replayNames length: ' + replayNames.length);
- var pbpNames = [];
- for (var k=0; k<replayNames.length; k++) {
- pbpNames.push(replayNames[k].innerHTML);
- }
- if (document.getElementById("playerPlayWatch_Or").checked) {
- for (var k=0; k<names.length; k++){
- var idx = pbpNames.indexOf(names[k]);
- if (idx != -1) return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- if (document.getElementById("playerPlayWatch_Xor").checked) {
- var result = 0;
- for (var k=0; k<names.length; k++){
- var idx = pbpNames.indexOf(names[k]);
- if (idx != -1) result++;
- if (result > 1) return false;
- }
- return (result == 1);
- }
- if (document.getElementById("playerPlayWatch_And").checked) {
- var result = 0;
- for (var k=0; k<names.length; k++){
- var idx = pbpNames.indexOf(names[k]);
- if (idx == -1) return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- if (document.getElementById("playerPlayWatch_Not").checked) {
- for (var k=0; k<names.length; k++){
- var idx = pbpNames.indexOf(names[k]);
- if (idx != -1) return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- };
- PlayerWatch.prototype.printTheTeams = function(){
- // see which team has the most players
- var count = this.team1.rows.length > this.team2.rows.length ? this.team1.rows.length : this.team2.rows.length;
- for(var i=0;i<count;i++){
- // create the row
- var tr = document.createElement('TR');
- if(i % 2 == 0){
- tr.setAttribute('class','alternating_color1');
- }else{
- tr.setAttribute('class','alternating_color2');
- }
- this.mainTable.appendChild(tr);
- if(this.team1.rows.length > i){// if this row exists for this team
- if(this.team1.rows[i].getElementsByTagName('A').length > 0){// see if it was a player or header
- var aID = this.team1.rows[i].getElementsByTagName('A').length > 2 ? 2 : 0;
- var td = document.createElement('TD');
- tr.appendChild(td);
- var checkbox = document.createElement('input');
- checkbox.setAttribute('type','checkbox');
- checkbox.setAttribute('playerName',this.team1.rows[i].getElementsByTagName('A')[aID].innerHTML);
- td.appendChild(checkbox);
- td = document.createElement('TD');
- tr.appendChild(td);
- td.innerHTML = this.team1.rows[i].getElementsByTagName('A')[aID].innerHTML;
- var tds = getElementsByClassName('player_position',this.team1.rows[i]);
- td.innerHTML += ' (' + tds[0].firstChild.innerHTML.replace('<div></div>','') + ')';
- }else{
- var td = document.createElement('TD');
- td.setAttribute('colSpan','2');
- tr.appendChild(td);
- if(this.team1.stat == 0){
- td.innerHTML = 'Offense';
- this.team1.stat++;
- }else if(this.team1.stat == 1){
- td.innerHTML = 'Defense';
- this.team1.stat++;
- }else if(this.team1.stat == 2){
- td.innerHTML = 'Kicker';
- this.team1.stat++;
- }
- }
- }else{
- var td = document.createElement('TD');
- td.setAttribute('colSpan','2');
- tr.appendChild(td);
- }
- if(this.team2.rows.length > i){
- if(this.team2.rows[i].getElementsByTagName('A').length > 0){
- var aID = this.team2.rows[i].getElementsByTagName('A').length > 2 ? 2 : 0;
- var td = document.createElement('TD');
- tr.appendChild(td);
- var checkbox = document.createElement('input');
- checkbox.setAttribute('type','checkbox');
- checkbox.setAttribute('playerName',this.team2.rows[i].getElementsByTagName('A')[aID].innerHTML);
- td.appendChild(checkbox);
- td = document.createElement('TD');
- tr.appendChild(td);
- td.innerHTML = this.team2.rows[i].getElementsByTagName('A')[aID].innerHTML;
- var tds = getElementsByClassName('player_position',this.team2.rows[i]);
- td.innerHTML += ' (' + tds[0].firstChild.innerHTML.replace('<div></div>','') + ')';
- }else{
- var td = document.createElement('TD');
- td.setAttribute('colSpan','2');
- tr.appendChild(td);
- if(this.team2.stat == 0){
- td.innerHTML = 'Offense';
- this.team2.stat++;
- }else if(this.team2.stat == 1){
- td.innerHTML = 'Defense';
- this.team2.stat++;
- }else if(this.team2.stat == 2){
- td.innerHTML = 'Kicker';
- this.team2.stat++;
- }
- }
- }else{
- var td = document.createElement('TD');
- td.setAttribute('colSpan','2');
- tr.appendChild(td);
- }
- }
- };
- PlayerWatch.prototype.closeLists = function(){
- var that = this;
- this.innerDiv.style.display = 'none';
- this.button.setAttribute('value','Open Pannel');
- this.button.addEventListener('click',function() { that.gatherLists.apply(that); },false);
- };
- PlayerWatch.prototype.mergeArrays = function(oldArray,newArray){
- for(var i=0;i<newArray.length;i++){
- oldArray.push(newArray[i]);
- }
- return oldArray;
- };
- PlayerWatch.prototype.getAjaxRequest = function(address,callback,loadingDiv){
- var that = this;
- if(loadingDiv){
- loadingDiv.innerHTML = 'Loading...';
- }
- if(!CACHE[address]){
- var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
- xmlhttp.open( 'GET', address, true );
- xmlhttp.onload = function() {
- if (this.status != 200) {
- alert("Error loading a page: Error "+this.status+" loading "+address);
- }else {
- console.log("loaded: "+address);
- CACHE[address] = this;
- if(callback){
- callback.apply(that,[address,this]);
- }
- }
- };
- xmlhttp.send(null);
- return xmlhttp;
- }else{
- console.log("loaded from cache: "+address);
- if(callback){
- callback.apply(that,[address,CACHE[address]]);
- }
- }
- };
- function getElementsByClassName(classname, par){
- var a=[];
- var re = new RegExp('\\b' + classname + '\\b');
- var els = par.getElementsByTagName("*");
- for(var i=0,j=els.length; i<j; i++){
- if(re.test(els[i].className)){
- a.push(els[i]);
- }
- }
- return a;
- };
- window.setTimeout(function() { new PlayerWatch(); },0);