Rotten Tomatoes Decimal Rating

Changes base-5 Rating of Rotten Tomatoes to base-10

コードが変更されたバージョンのみを表示しています。 すべてのバージョンを表示

  • v7 2023/06/02 Update Rotten_Tomatoes_Decimal_Rating.user.js Update for the recent RT html changes
  • v6.0.3 2022/05/15 Use `innerHTML` instead of `textContent` to maintain the existing link
  • v6.0.2 2022/05/15 There are now two occurrences of '3.5 stars or higher' in the AUDIENCE descriptive text overlay hence the change to `querySelectorAll()` .
  • v6.0.1 2021/05/07 Update Rotten_Tomatoes_Decimal_Rating.user.js
  • v6.0 2021/03/15 Update Rotten_Tomatoes_Decimal_Rating.user.js Update for the recent RT layout changes
  • v5.0.1 2020/06/25 (all scripts) Added @supportURL pointing to the GitHub repo (thanks to Jason Barnabe for the suggestion)
  • v5.0.1 2020/02/20 Update Rotten_Tomatoes_Decimal_Rating.user.js
  • v5 2020/02/13 (Rotten Tomatoes Decimal Rating) - Rewrite for the new layout update Also, removed "@run-at document-start" and "@require setMutationHandler.js" as they are no longer needed.
  • v4 2019/10/27 (various scripts) Converted file encoding from 'UTF-8 with BOM' to 'UTF-8'
  • v4 2019/08/24 (Rotten Tomatoes Decimal Rating) - Update for the new layout (thanks to wOxxOm)
  • v3.0.1 2018/05/20 (All scripts) Rearranged the metadata block
  • v3.0.1 2017/11/12 Added '@licence MIT' (required by OUJS, in order to allow import and autoupdate of scripts from GitHub)
  • v3.0.1 2016/09/17 Synced from GitHub - Converted all scripts encoding from UTF-8 back to UTF-8 BOM (i.e. with the same encoding that Greasemonkey installs them in)
  • v3.0.1 2016/09/14 Synced from GitHub - Fixed indentation
  • v3.0.1 2016/09/13 Synced from GitHub - Added: // @include*
  • v3 2016/08/13 Imported from URL
  • v3 2016/08/12 Imported from URL
  • v3 2015/12/27
  • v2 2015/09/05
  • v1 2015/09/04