Jason, can you add an option for seeing more items?
Showing lots per page is harder on the server and doesn't really have many uses, so we don't do it and we don't have a setting to do it. That being said, you can add a per_page
parameter that will accept values up to 200.
That being said, you can add a per_page parameter that will accept values up to 200.
I have tried https://greasyfork.org/en/users/371179?per_page=200 but in vain.
Should be fixed now.
Should be fixed now.
No difference in viewing https://greasyfork.org/en/users/371179?per_page=200
Should be fixed now.
No difference in viewing https://greasyfork.org/en/users/371179?per_page=200
This works for me, but note that that URL is a redirect and the per_page parameter is not maintained. This URL shows it for me.
why "https://greasyfork.org/en/users/371179" redirect to "https://greasyfork.org/en/users/371179-xxxxxxx"?
actually the username can be changed anytime. the url "https://greasyfork.org/en/users/371179-xxxxxxx" should redirect to ""https://greasyfork.org/en/users/371179"
same issue for scripting url.
"https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/438684-pagetual" should be the redirect url
"https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/438684" should be the actual url
// @downloadURL https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/438684/Pagetual.user.js
// @updateURL https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/438684/Pagetual.meta.js
should be redirect urls.
the actual urls should be
// @downloadURL https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/438684.user.js
// @updateURL https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/438684.meta.js
in order to avoid naming changing (id are fixed)
When I want to find my scripts, I go to https://greasyfork.org/en/users/371179
Can you add a preference setting in the account page such that I can set it to show more scripts per page? Like 200 per page. (just the scripts on my own user page)