Makes YouTube videos run in high definition + YouTube fixes
< Valutazione su YouTube HD Override
To change your desired quality setting, you would run this line (on the YouTube home page):HDOSettings.HighestQuality = 8
This would set your desired quality to 4K, after running the save command:SaveHDOSettings()
Same goes for any of the listed options in the description:HDOSettings.ChannelAutoPlay = false
I'll edit the explanation to see what I can do about being easy to understand. It's taking for granted you know JavaScript and what data type the variables are.
How to change config?
I'm sorry, but i don't know how to configure this script using the console. I couldn't get anything out of your screenshot. I tried modifying the script in greasemonkey's editor but it won't change youtube's behavior.
Your script looks so good, I'd really like to enable more options. But for that I would need a brief explanation on how to configure it.
Thank you.