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TikTok to TikNot Redirect

Redirect TikTok to TikNot

< Valutazione su TikTok to TikNot Redirect

Recensione: Bene - lo script funziona

Pubblicato: 10/03/2024

Hi, thank you for the script!
Unfortunately on PC Tiktok redirects the user immediately to the login page, so the script does not work there: changing the currentUrl variable and the regex will make it work also on the forced login page, that has this format for URLs:

This is how I changed lines 17 and 20, if you want to implement the changes in the script.

var currentUrl = decodeURIComponent(window.location.href);

var tiktokRegex = /https:\/\/www\.tiktok\.com\/@.*\/video\/([0-9]+)/;

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