[AO3] Better Work Buttons

Configure the buttons for works by hiding or rearranging their order.

< Valutazione su [AO3] Better Work Buttons

Recensione: Bene - lo script funziona

Pubblicato: 23/10/2023
Modificato: 23/10/2023

Hi! Thank you for making a great script! I'm wondering if Edit and Edit Tags can also be added to the work buttons? The Edit button appears in the middle of work buttons when I check my own work. I appreciate it.

Pubblicato: 23/10/2023

Hey! Thanks so much for the positive feedback. I just posted a new version of the script including your suggestions, along with the "Add Chapter" button and the ability to toggle any/all buttons based on if a work is completed. Glad you're getting use out of my script, if you ever have any more suggestions, fire away and I'll do my best to implement them! o7

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