ChatGPT Auto-Continue 🔄

⚡ Automatically click the 'Continue Generating' button in ChatGPT, handling errors!

< Valutazione su ChatGPT Auto-Continue 🔄

Recensione: OK - lo script funziona, ma ha degli errori.

Pubblicato: 20/05/2023
Modificato: 20/05/2023

This script uses hundreds(!) of lines of pointless code to achieve a very simple task that doesn't need them, click a button. (Examples of pointless functions that are not even called: getLastResponseElement(), getTextareaValue(), setTextarea(), getSubmitButton())

As a result of this strange & inefficient style of coding, unsurprisingly, my (old) computer fan spins like crazy when this script runs (from excess resource consumption).

ChatGPT Auto-Continue by @Stanford S is much better, only uses 31 lines, just simple interval function, no crazy fan behavior from so much pointless JavaScript (also your computer life will be extended from less overheating)

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