Greasy Fork is available in English.

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Ampia finestra di dialogo & Cancella la cronologia della chat & Dichiarare la risposta nella lingua specificata a GPT

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Recensione: Bene - lo script funziona

Pubblicato: 07/06/2023

Thank you for developing such a useful script. A suggestion regarding the existing 'clear conversations' feature: ideally, this function should selectively keep certain important conversations (e.g., whose names begin with a special character, such as a '#'). This adjustment would allow users to mark the conversations they wish to keep, while your script clears the rest. I believe this modification would significantly improve the script's usability. Many thanks.

Pubblicato: 07/06/2023

Thank you for developing such a useful script. A suggestion regarding the existing 'clear conversations' feature: ideally, this function should selectively keep certain important conversations (e.g., whose names begin with a special character, such as a '#'). This adjustment would allow users to mark the conversations they wish to keep, while your script clears the rest. I believe this modification would significantly improve the script's usability. Many thanks.

Sorry, but actually clearing the conversation is not
`go one by one`
Instead, it directly calls openai's api to clear it with one click, so it is impossible to selectively retain chat records based on keywords
The specific emptying implementation is handed over to openai
carried out

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