
Automatically does steps.

< Valutazione su bypasser

Recensione: Bene - lo script funziona

Pubblicato: 23/04/2023

I recently stumbled upon the bypasser userscript on Greasyfork, and I must say, I'm quite disappointed. I understand that some users might find tedious, but this bypasser completely ruins the experience for those of us who genuinely enjoy watching ads and installing apps. The thrill of anticipation while waiting for the next step to load is something I truly cherish, and this script just takes that away.

Furthermore, I found out that the creator of the Sketch Krunker Cheat is actually a Ukrainian refugee who relies on the income generated through to support his family of eight. With the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, life has been incredibly challenging for them. By using this bypasser, users are essentially taking food out of the mouths of innocent children who are already struggling to survive.

It's disheartening to see that someone would create a userscript that not only ruins the experience for users but also directly harms the cheat creator and his family. I sincerely hope that users will consider the consequences of their actions before choosing to install and use the bypasser.

In conclusion, I cannot recommend this userscript as it takes away from the intended experience of and has a negative impact on the livelihood of the Sketch Krunker Cheat creator and his family. It's important for us to think about the consequences of our actions and support those who work hard to provide us with enjoyable content. I hope that users will think twice before using this bypasser and choose to engage with in its intended manner instead.

Pubblicato: 24/04/2023

Hello e9x,

Thank you for writing this heartfelt shitpost review.

The thrill of anticipation while waiting for the next step to load is something I truly cherish, and this script just takes that away.

I am very sorry you feel this way. This can be resolved by disabling/removing this userscript.

Furthermore, I found out that the creator of the Sketch Krunker Cheat is actually a Ukrainian refugee who relies on the income generated through to support his family of eight.

I am fully supporting Ukraine in the war that is unfortunately going on right now. However, this script does not take into account where the creator of the link originates from, and how their mental wellbeing and status is. You are also the developer of this Krunker cheat.

I solemly beg you to change the review rating, as it is not directly related to itself.

Thanks, lem6ns.

Pubblicato: 25/04/2023

Hello lem6ns,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my review. I appreciate your perspective and understand that the userscript is not specifically targeting any individual or their circumstances. I apologize if it seemed that I was implying otherwise.

While I still believe that the experience can be a positive one for those who want to support content creators, I acknowledge that the userscript may serve a purpose for others and that its intent may not be malicious.

In light of our discussion, I will reconsider my review rating and take into account the functionality of the script rather than focusing solely on its potential impact on certain creators.

Again, thank you for engaging in this conversation and providing your point of view. It's always good to have open dialogue and consider multiple perspectives.

Best regards,

Pubblicato: 25/04/2023

lemons lmafoooooo

dude made this script to ruin his fellows krunker income. Remember the skin heck?

Pubblicato: 30/04/2023

lemons lmafoooooo

dude made this script to ruin his fellows krunker income. Remember the skin heck?

I have never been in the krunker community.

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