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DuckDuckGPT 🤖

Aggiunge risposte AI a DuckDuckGo (alimentato da GPT-4o!)

< Valutazione su DuckDuckGPT 🤖

Recensione: Bene - lo script funziona

Pubblicato: 27/06/2023

That is a very useful and nice way to have ChatGPT around you all the time (u use DDG). Worts easy and flawless with no additional knowledge. Thank you!

Pubblicato: 27/06/2023

@GrisiPisiMisi glad you like it!!

Pubblicato: 21/11/2023

I use it all the time, and the script getting better an better. Great work, thank you!

Pubblicato: 22/11/2023

@GrisiPisiMisi you're welcome!

Pubblicato: 30/04/2024

The Script gets better and better (and nicer to look at too). Thank you for continuing the development! Very nice to use!

Pubblicato: 30/04/2024

you're welcome @GrisiPisiMisi!

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