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bilibili 选集样式

搭配 使用,优化 bilibili 选集时间显示

/* ==UserStyle==
@name bilibili 选集样式
@version 2022.09.02
@description:en An user stylesheet to replace all fonts on web pages with Adobe-branded fonts, brings you a more unified and beautiful visual style.
@description 搭配 使用,优化 bilibili 选集时间显示
@author leizingyiu <>
@license GNU AGPLv3 
@preprocessor default
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {

	.multi-page .cur-list .list-box li .part {
		display: inline-block !important;
		overflow: unset !important;
		text-overflow: unset !important;
		flex-shrink: 1 !important;
		height: auto !important;
		white-space: break-spaces !important;
		line-height: 1.1em !important;

	.multi-page .cur-list .list-box li {
		height: auto !important;

	.multi-page .cur-list .list-box li a * {
		place-self: flex-start !important;
		line-height: 1.2em !important;
		padding: 0.2em 0 !important;

	.base-video-sections .video-section-list .video-episode-card__info-title {
		overflow: unset !important;
		white-space: normal !important;
		padding: 0.2em 0 !important;
	.video-episode-card__info-title {
		height: fit-content!important;
		max-height: fit-content!important;

	.base-video-sections .video-section-list .video-episode-card__info {
		height: auto !important;

	.base-video-sections .video-section-list .video-episode-card {
		height: auto !important;

	.base-video-sections .video-section-list[style] {
		height: auto!important;
	.base-video-sections .video-section-list[style="height: 0px;"] {
		height: 0!important;

	.next-button .txt {
		word-break: keep-all;