Ignora tutti i siti di collegamenti brevi Salta automaticamente i fastidiosi accorciatori di collegamenti, direttamente alla tua destinazione
< Valutazione su Bypassare Tutto Collegamenti brevi
Hello sir,
Please add this links, Promo-Visits, Coinsparty, 1bitSpace, Bitlinks2, CashEarn, CutUrl,
these all links are in Firefaucet.win
It's all good if you're using firefox cause the author developing this script using firefox and it'll wasting time if he check it on chrome too,
Promo visit doesn't click itself for now, but you can still click the continue button manually.
1bit, bitlink, cashearn, and cuturl has no bug.
I check it all using firefox, if you're using chrome you might change to firefox cause it's better to bypass the shortlink.
and for the coinsparty you can read at the image.
I was using kiwi browser,,, but from now I'm changing it to firefox...
Thanks a lot sir!!!
Hello sir,
Please add this links, Promo-Visits, Coinsparty, 1bitSpace, Bitlinks2, CashEarn, CutUrl,
these all links are in Firefaucet.win