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Recensione: Bene - lo script funziona

Pubblicato: 17/06/2022

shortsfly, urlsfly, wefly are mostly working fine .. but sometimes it redirecting to this page .. like page not found.. is it the shortlinks fault?? or other reason..$/Ijpkt0Q

example shortlink

Pubblicato: 17/06/2022

bro if its redirecting to page not found simply close and revisit shortlinkk again

Pubblicato: 17/06/2022

yeah i know about that , they want make change their code to make my script not working, but in latest version i never see again .

please use ublock extension there and Always active Window extension, for firefox and for chrome

please let me know do you feel any different

bro if its redirecting to page not found simply close and revisit shortlinkk again

just go back, revisit the link without $ is the same way

Pubblicato: 17/06/2022
Modificato: 17/06/2022

Active window extension working pretty good.. not getting the error (page not found)

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