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Remove multiple email trackers from links in GMail

This script removes the YesWare, ConvertKit, and SkimResources email trackers from links received in GMail. This means the sender will not know that you have clicked on their links if they use these tracking systems.

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Remove YesWare, ConvertKit, and SkimLinks email trackers from links in GMail

This script removes YesWare, ConvertKit, and SkimLinks email trackers from email links in GMail. When you receive an email with these tracking links, the sender can *track* if and when you clicked on the links they sent you, how many times, from what IP address, etc.

See how these companies track you

How this script works

All of these links contain a tracking identifier followed by the real address the link points to, so this script just rewrites these links to remove the tracker.

For example, the YesWare tracking links look something like

If you click on such a link, YesWare will track your click, associate it with your email, and then send you to This script simply rewrites the link to remove the tracking part, and leaves you with a regular link that no longer points to the tracking domain but to the real target instead. It works the same way for the other trackers, the format is just slightly different. If anyone somehow sends you a YesWare link tracked by ConvertKit, the script will also take care of it.

The code is commented and should be clear enough for people to understand what it does.