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Export Youtube Playlist in tab delimited text

Creates the current playlist as tab delimited text to be easily copied

< Valutazione su Export Youtube Playlist in tab delimited text

Recensione: OK - lo script funziona, ma ha degli errori.

Pubblicato: 06/08/2024

Hi Again. In the last week or so the "Export list as tab-delimited text" button has gone missing from my playlists. Except! It is still visible and functional in the non-user created playlist "Watch Later". Same on both my machines, no OS updates found.
Let me know if you need more info. Thx.

Pubblicato: 06/08/2024

I have re-installed Tampermonkey to Firefox. I have re-installed the latest version of this script - still the same.
Let me know if you need more info. Thx.

Pubblicato: 06/08/2024

Hi. I suppose the problem is with so called 'TrustedHTML assignment'. I'm looking for possible solutions now.

Pubblicato: 06/08/2024

Please check new version - whether it is fixed?

If no, please make "inspect (q)" screenshot again, as you did few months ago: right-click on the space between "play all" and "shuffle" buttons and select "inspect (q)" menu.

Pubblicato: 07/08/2024

Hi, still not present after V2.0 install. Still present on "Watch Later". Screenshot as requested.

Pubblicato: 08/08/2024

The code of your youtube differs. The usual element which I attach the button to - ytd-playlist-header-renderer - is hidden. There is a new element - yt-page-header-renderer - which is absent in my youtube, but for you it is hidden too, so I cannot use it.

I suggest to make a temporary "crutch" - to add the button above the list of videos, close to "Sort" button, in case if ytd-playlist-header-renderer is hidden. Later, when youtube makes its new design stable, I will move the button to the playlist header. Or it will move there by itself, automatically, if ytd-playlist-header-renderer becomes non hidden.

Pubblicato: 18/08/2024
Modificato: 18/08/2024

Hi, the button did appear above the list of videos, close to the "Sort" button, it highlights when hovered over, but does nothing when clicked on.
Strangely, at my "History" playlist, it is not visible, and some other filter buttons are present.
"History" playlist Screencap attached.)

The button is still there and functional in the header of the non-user-created playlist "Watch Later".

I see YT have changed the playlist header a bit as well. The "Description" field has been shrunk, and when "...more" is clicked, it opens a pop-up with the title "Description" and all the text, rather than expanding the Description field within the header.
("Seminal Sounds" playlist Screencap attached.)

Pubblicato: 18/08/2024

Hi, the button did appear above the list of videos, close to the "Sort" button, it highlights when hovered over, but does nothing when clicked on.
Strangely, at my "History" playlist, it is not visible, and some other filter buttons are present.
"History" playlist Screencap attached.)
The button is still there and functional in the header of the non-user-created playlist "Watch Later".
I see YT have changed the playlist header a bit as well. The "Description" field has been shrunk, and when "...more" is clicked, it opens a pop-up with the title "Description" and all the text, rather than expanding the Description field within the header.
("Seminal Sounds" playlist Screencap attached.)

Pubblicato: 18/08/2024


> but does nothing when clicked on
I suppose it could be the result of buggy workaround for TrustedHTML. I made another one, hopefully it will work for you. Please check a new version.

My History playlist is totally different - it looks more like search results. Your History is a real playlist. I did some amendments, maybe they can work in new History, Favourites and Liked videos playlists.

Pubblicato: 20/08/2024

Hi, just to clarify, the "History" playlist is my own created list of YouTube videos on the subject of history, not the YT system list. Your update has fixed it as far as the button now appears, but although the button highlights when hovered over, it does nothing when clicked on.
("History" playlist 2 Screencap attached.)
In the "Watch Later" playlist your update has successfully moved the button to appear above the list of videos, close to the "Sort" button, and it is functional.
("Watch Later" playlist Screencap attached.)
I checked the "Liked" videos playlist, the button also appears above the list of videos, close to the "Sort" button, and it is functional. I never looked at it before as I don't use the playlist except to boost a creator's content with a "Like".
I don't appear to have a "Favourites" playlist.
To summarise, the button is successfully moved, but only works on YouTube system playlists.
Cheers, and thanks for your efforts.

Pubblicato: 20/08/2024

And whether the button is functional in other lists created by you?

Pubblicato: 20/08/2024

In all my created playlists the button now appears above the list of videos, close to the "Sort" button, but although the button highlights when hovered over, it does nothing when clicked on.

Pubblicato: 20/08/2024
it does nothing when clicked on

So, it could mean that youtube has changed html-code of user playlists and the script cannot find the list of videos. Could you please open any of your playist and make Inspect on any video in this list? Then I need you to click mouse right button on the highlighted element, select Copy -> CSS Path in the pop-up menu and paste the result here.

Pubblicato: 22/08/2024

Hi, text as requested:
html body ytd-app

Pubblicato: 25/08/2024

It is the same as in my youtube.

My another suggestion: please do "select Copy -> CSS Path" for yellow marked element of the playlist created by you.

Pubblicato: 26/08/2024

I made some things simplier. Please try new version.

Pubblicato: 26/08/2024

Hi Max, Great news! The new version is working perfectly.
Thanks so much for your efforts, they are much appreciated. Tomorrow I will have to catch up on a backlog of playlist update tasks. 😀

Pubblicato: 26/08/2024

Great! Just an ordinary simplification of some part of the script made it functional :)

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