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KoC Power Bot Plus

All-in-One Script for Kingdoms of Camelot

< Valutazione su KoC Power Bot Plus

Recensione: Male - lo script non funziona

Pubblicato: 20/03/2021

Powerbot Plus on barb raids: When set up it starts out fine with all cities. Over a few hours attacks slow to only 1 city. I deleted and re loaded. Did the same. Any suggestions? Thank you.

Pubblicato: 15/05/2021

It sounds like you are losing troops in the raids which will cause this issue. Are you using at least 45,000 archers for a level 7 barb raid? Raids are a game function and the bot is not running them at all. It just makes setting them easier. Catch me on Facebook and I can help you sort this issue out. It is not caused by the script.

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