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IMDb Scout

Add links from IMDb pages to torrent sites -- easy downloading from IMDb

< Valutazione su IMDb Scout


Pubblicato: 06/10/2018

Pirate this film: No sites enabled! You can change this via the Greasemonkey option "IMDb Scout Pref

Pirate this film: No sites enabled! You can change this via the Greasemonkey option "IMDb Scout Preferences".

what should I do to makes this script work*?

Pubblicato: 09/10/2018

You must be on IMDB at the movie you want to look up. When you follow the images you can choose the private sites you are on.

Pubblicato: 12/10/2018

Hey, thank you for the answer. But the 'other sites' doesnt work like netflix or youtube wikipedia.

Pubblicato: 12/10/2018

They work for me.

What are they doing for you?

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