Quarantine EP Counter

Live countdown to next EP

Jessica J.
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v1.0.5 - Minor bugfix

Fixed the slide-away tab's position when EP is full; it is now always anchored to the edge just below the title bar.

v1.0.4 - Minor bugfix

Fixed the auto-reload button tooltip to correctly reflect the button's state on page load.

v1.0.3 - Auto-updating, cleanup

Added an auto-update URL so script can self update, and cleaned up debug junk.

v1.0 - Lots of bugfixing and features

  • Allows you to toggle auto-reload -- click the little circle-arrow button at the right of the title bar (yellow is on, black is off)
  • Hovertext on the countdowns -- see what time you'll get your (next, nonzero, or full) EP in!
  • Slide-away functionality! If the window gets in the way, click the » tab to slide it away. Click the « tab to bring it back!
  • Fixed a few rare detection glitches that would cause it to not read the EP timing correctly
  • Saves expanded/hidden state and auto-reload toggle state so you don't have to fiddle with it all the time

v0.5 - No longer premium-only!

Fixed script so it plays well with ads. Was originally developed with a "premium" ad-free account, and ads would break the script.

v0.4 - Auto reloads on >0 EP!

Do you ever obsessively check back on your Q2019 tab when you're out of EP, refreshing to see if you have EP yet? Now the script auto-reloads for you when you get an EP!

v0.2 - First public release

This userscript adds a tiny little box in the bottom right corner of your Quarantine 2019 window. The box displays your real-time EP count, as well as real-time countdowns to next EP, >0 EP (i.e. when you will have 1 EP if you're zero or negative), and full EP.

Uses a timestamp to attempt to more accurately track time in case of Javascript time drift, rather than relying on JS setInterval() (for those times when you leave the page open overnight). It also auto-reloads the page if left idle for an hour -- a cheap kludge to avoid buffer overflows and further minimize drift.

Firefox users need to install Greasemonkey
Chrome users need to install Tampermonkey
Other userscript extensions *may* work but I make no guarantees. Hell, I make no guarantee it actually works on anything other than my own computer ;)

Safari users can try TamperMonkey for Safari -- once again, no guarantees this script will work with it :P

NOTE: relies on jQuery -- Q2019 seems to run with its own proprietary version, and @requireing any other version seems to break things. Also uses jQuery UI, specifically version 1.8.6 because it plays nice with Q2019's version of jQuery.