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MTurk HIT Database Mk.II

Keep track of the HITs you've done (and more!). Cross browser compatible.

< Valutazione su MTurk HIT Database Mk.II


Pubblicato: 24/10/2015

Stuck on updating database.

So I'm not sure what info is needed here but here we go.

I was using the 'Goals Edition' for my database. Saw this and switched over. The initial update seemed to work okay, but then it got stuck and wouldn't move on. Now every time I update, I get stuck here:

Processing 2015-09-24 page 47 [ 3939/4582 ]

I've checked this date and there is nothing 'odd' about it. I do still have a few pending from that date but don't thing that would cause a problem.

Any ideas or need more info?


Pubblicato: 24/10/2015

UPDATE: I installed this in Chrome and it updated just fine.

Went back to Firefox and still have the same issue on it freezing up. Tho I did notice when Chrome updated, that page I'm stuck on in FF is the end. After that page it 'updating database' and finished in Chrome.

So I guess my fix for now is to just use this in Chrome and not FF.

Pubblicato: 24/10/2015

Does it always hang on the same date on the same page? Is page 47 the last page of HITs for that date?

Pubblicato: 28/10/2015

I'm also having this issue in Chrome. It keeps sitting at page [3/16] and not moving, despite uninstalling and reinstalling the DB

Pubblicato: 29/10/2015
Modificato: 29/10/2015

I don't know what would be causing this, but I've included some troubleshooting assistance in the latest version (1.0.028). When it gets hung up, please open the console (ctrl+shift+I) and let me know what's reported there.

Pubblicato: 31/10/2015

Here's what's in the console

Pubblicato: 31/10/2015

I'm not sure where exactly it's failing. It's either not sending a fetch request for everything it should, or the page it's requesting fails to parse. I've released another update (1.0.029) to help rule out the latter. It will now display an error when it can't parse a page instead of failing silently.

If, however, you don't get an error, could you paste the following in the console:
Then expand it to look like this:

Pubblicato: 02/11/2015

No error, but I pasted that code into the console and got this:

Pubblicato: 02/11/2015

Oh, I see. It hangs for you because it's expecting a date that no longer appears on the status page. That's a really fringe case. I may push an update down the line to handle it, but for now it's easier to just remove that date. Paste this into the console

x=JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('hitdb_fetchData'));delete x[09122015];localStorage.setItem('hitdb_fetchData',JSON.stringify(x))

Then refresh the dashboard and try updating.

Pubblicato: 02/11/2015
Modificato: 02/11/2015

I may be doing this wrong, but nothing's changing. It still hangs up on the same date. I'll try a couple things to see if I can get it to work. Will update

Update: Tried completely shutting down Chrome and rebooting, still no change.

Update again: I'm now getting this error after uninstalling it and reinstalling it (I'm getting desperate). If it helps at all, the old Hit DB isn't working for me now, either. Photo below

Pubblicato: 02/11/2015


Pubblicato: 03/11/2015

You're getting that error because either you've deleted the database and are starting over, or it has otherwise detected that it needs to upgrade the internal schema. It can't do that because the database is being accessed somewhere else, probably HIT Scraper. So just close out HIT Scraper if you have it running.

Pubblicato: 03/11/2015

Okay, fixed that problem, but the original one still persists. The old DB doesn't work for me either (same problem)...any new leads? Sorry that it's causing such a problem.

Pubblicato: 04/11/2015

What does your fetchData look like? Does it still have 09122015 in there?

Pubblicato: 04/11/2015

I'm not entirely sure how to see that, but it just sticks on the most recent date that I've done hits.

Pubblicato: 05/11/2015
I'm not entirely sure how to see that

Run this in the console: JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('hitdb_fetchData'))

Pubblicato: 05/11/2015

It seems to stick on the most recent day with HITs in them.

Pubblicato: 06/11/2015

First of all, does Sep 12 actually appear in your status page? If it does, it seems something is causing it to not be parsed correctly. If not, did you run this from earlier?
x=JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('hitdb_fetchData'));delete x['09122015'];localStorage.setItem('hitdb_fetchData',JSON.stringify(x))

Check to make sure it actually deleted the entry by entering JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('hitdb_fetchData'))

Pubblicato: 11/11/2015

I got it! Sep 12 wasn't causing it to stick anymore because it was gone, but Nov 03 was! I changed your code to delete the 3rd, and now it works! Woo!!!!

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