Remove GIF Images

Menghapus semua gambar GIF dari halaman web

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29 Agustus 2024
30 Agustus 2024
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Explanation of Tampermonkey Script

Purpose and Functionality of the Tampermonkey Script

1. Purpose of the Script

This Tampermonkey script is designed to remove all GIF images from any web page you visit. GIF images are often used for animations or moving effects, which can be distracting or reduce browser performance. By removing GIFs, the webpage becomes lighter and more comfortable to view.

2. How the Script Works

The script works by searching for all image elements (<img>) on the web page and checking if the image source (URL) contains the .gif extension. If an image with this extension is found, the script will remove the image from the page.

3. Features of the Script

  • Automatic GIF Image Removal: This script automatically removes all images with the .gif extension that are loaded on the webpage.
  • Support for Dynamically Loaded Content: By using MutationObserver, the script also monitors and removes any GIF images that are added to the page after the initial load.

4. Benefits of Using This Script

By using this script, users can:

  • Improve page load speed by reducing the total size of the content loaded.
  • Reduce visual distractions caused by moving GIF animations.
  • Enhance focus and reading comfort on web pages by removing unwanted elements.

5. How to Activate the Script in Tampermonkey

To use this script, you need to install the Tampermonkey extension on your browser and activate the script. Once activated, the script will automatically run on every webpage you visit, according to the settings specified.