GPT Input Dialog

为一系列 GPT 类网站添加长文输入对话框 | Add a long text input dialog to a series of GPT-like platforms

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05 Mei 2024
08 Oktober 2024
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GPT Input Dialog

English Description

Currently, most GPT-like websites offer just a small input box, using Shift+Enter to create a new line, and Tab to indent. For long text input, this method is obviously not user-friendly enough.

This script provides a large dialog box that supports quick multi-line input and text indentation functionality.

  • Basic Usage

    • Alt + S to bring up the large input dialog box
    • The dialog box will automatically read the text content already entered in the official input box
    • Enter text in the dialog box
    • Enter for automatic indentation and new line
    • Shift + Enter for new line
    • Tab to indent
    • Shift + Tab to unindent
    • The above indentation functions support partial indentation of selected text
    • Ctrl + [arrow up / arrow down] to adjust font size
    • After entering text
    • Alt + Enter to fill the input content into the official input box
    • Ctrl + Enter to fill the input box and submit
    • Esc to exit without saving
  • Multi-webpage adaptation, supporting multiple GPT-type website applications

    • ChatGPT platform
    • Poe platform
    • Mistral platform
    • Aizex platform
    • ChatGLM platform


目前各类 GPT 网站基本上都是一个小小的输入框,使用 Shift+Enter 换行,Tab 缩进,对于长文本的输入,这样的输入方式显然不够友好。


  • 基本用法

    • Alt + S 呼出大输入对话框
    • 对话框会自动读取官方输入框中已经输入的文本内容
    • 对话框内输入文本
    • Enter,自动缩进换行
    • Shift + Enter,换行
    • Tab 缩进
    • Shift + Tab 反缩进
    • 以上缩进功能支持选中文本进行部分缩进
    • Ctrl + [arrow up / arrow down] 调整字体大小
    • 输入完毕后
    • Alt + Enter 将输入内容填充到官方输入框
    • Ctrl + Enter 填充输入框并提交
    • Esc 退出不保存
  • 多网页适配,支持多个 GPT 类网站应用

    • ChatGPT 平台
    • Poe 平台
    • Mistral 平台
    • Aizex 平台
    • 智谱清言 平台