Amazon Prime Gaming - Fade out non-GOG or Epic Games freebies

Make the interesting freebies easier to find between all the Amazon Games App cruft.

    /* ==UserStyle==
    @name           Amazon Prime Gaming - Fade out non-GOG or Epic Games freebies
    @description    Make the interesting freebies easier to find between all the Amazon Games App cruft.
    @author         Swyter
    @version        2023.11.09.01
    @license        CC-BY-SA 4.0
    @preprocessor   default
    ==/UserStyle== */
    @-moz-document domain("")
        /* swy: fade out any link leading to a AGA-based game */ div.item-card__action > a[data-a-target='learn-more-card'][href*='aga/']
            opacity: .3;