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Turkmaster (Mturk)

A page-monitoring web app for Mturk (Mechanical Turk) designed to make turking more efficient. Easily monitor mturk search pages and requesters and Auto-Accept the HITs you missed.

< Feedback on Turkmaster (Mturk)


Posted: 26 Januari 2017

Turkmaster stops working after a few mintues

This started happening recently. Turkmaster will work great for a few minutes and then it will stop searching. I'll see the timestamp of the last search and then nothing. If I pause and unpause it won't start up again. I have to completely refresh the browser tab.I have tried it on two different computers, two different browsers. I have reinstalled browsers, extensions. I've tried everything. I use TM to search for newest hits >.20 on a 2 second timer. It has worked flawlessly for years, but this week it is really making turking difficult. I'm not sure if something changed on amazon's end? Any help in solving this is appreciated.

Posted: 02 Februari 2017

having the same issue. very annoying!

Posted: 02 Februari 2017
having the same issue. very annoying!

Seems like a few of us are. There's another topic right next to this one on it that I commented on. Hopefully this can get some attention. I love this script so much and it has been integral to my success on mturk.

Posted: 02 Februari 2017

Thanks for the heads up! I'm guessing Amazon changed something to cause this issue. I won't really be able to look at it until tonight, but in the meantime are you seeing any errors in the browser console? That would help to narrow down the cause.

Posted: 06 Februari 2017

Donovan, I did not see any errors in the browser console,

Posted: 06 Februari 2017
Edited: 06 Februari 2017

I've got the same issue as OP and I haven't been able to figure out what in the world causes them to just randomly stop working.

Posted: 08 Februari 2017
Thanks for the heads up! I'm guessing Amazon changed something to cause this issue. I won't really be able to look at it until tonight, but in the meantime are you seeing any errors in the browser console? That would help to narrow down the cause.

I heard Chrome recently had an update that slows down the CPU of background tabs. Could this possibly be causing the issue?

Posted: 09 Februari 2017

I heard Chrome recently had an update that slows down the CPU of background tabs. Could this possibly be causing the issue?

I have the same problems with Turkmaster in both chrome and firefox.

Posted: 09 Februari 2017

I'll add that it seemed to effect hit finder as well when I tested it last week, so I'm leaning towards a change on Amazon's end.

Posted: 14 Februari 2017

Any update? Anyone find a fix? Thanks again for looking into it

Posted: 14 Februari 2017

Mine still has the same problems, no fix. I'm thinking of changing to panda crazy and getting rid of turkmaster.

Posted: 15 Februari 2017

I ran turkmaster for over an hour each on Chrome and Firefox last night to see if I could catch what's going on. It never stopped running for me. How long are you guys turking before you notice that TM stops?

Posted: 15 Februari 2017
I ran turkmaster for over an hour each on Chrome and Firefox last night to see if I could catch what's going on. It never stopped running for me. How long are you guys turking before you notice that TM stops?

It does it within minutes of starting it up. And again, I use it on a 2 second timer to find HITs >.20 for which I'm qualified. Not sure if those parameters make a difference. I tested it on two different computers, multiple browsers on each with the same results.

Posted: 15 Februari 2017
I ran turkmaster for over an hour each on Chrome and Firefox last night to see if I could catch what's going on. It never stopped running for me. How long are you guys turking before you notice that TM stops?

I run a similar search to Brandon's at a 2 second interval. If the tab in not in focus, it can stop right after I switch to another tab. Sometimes it stops minutes after, so it is not predictable. Today it's stopping more than ever!

Posted: 15 Februari 2017

Ah, I didn't bring my timers down that low. Thanks. I'll try again when I get home tonight.

Posted: 15 Februari 2017

I run mine at 4 seconds.

My turkmaster will either stop immediately or it will run for a couple of minutes then quit. It seems like as soon as I open a new hit the timer will stop, or if my hitscraper is running it will stop. I've tried just running the turkmaster by itself and it will run for a minute or two then stop.

If I have 1 turkmaster hit it's searching for and try to add a 2nd it will stop immediatly and will not even try to search for the 2nd one.

My first thought was that running it as a tab with my hitscraper running was eating up the memory but it makes no difference if it's running by it's self or with a tab both will stop. The longest it has ran since the problem has started is maybe 5 minutes. Generally it will only run for maybe 1 minute.

My chrome version is 56.0.2924.87 if that helps any.

Posted: 17 Februari 2017

I really think the problem is something with the new Chrome update. I just read they updated it Jan 27th and that's about when the problem started. The only problem with that theory is I have the same issue when I use Firefox.

Posted: 17 Februari 2017
Edited: 17 Februari 2017

I've just noticed when it stops running my own test on both Chrome and Firefox. Turkmaster will run fine if you have your hitscrapper running. The second you go to accept a hit from hitscrapper that is when Turkmaster stops. I have no idea why and DonovanM you clearly know more about this stuff than me but this seems to be the issue.

Posted: 19 Februari 2017

Thanks for the info, James! I'll have to look into how hitscraper might be affecting turkmaster. Earlier I tried running three 5-second watchers and had no issues. I let them run for a couple of hours and they were still going strong.

Do things work fine for you when hitscraper isn't running?

Posted: 19 Februari 2017

Sometimes, I know that's not a good answer. It will work just fine if nothing is running but it never seems to last longer than 10 minutes.

I think the issue isn't with turkmaster but my internet. The only problem with that is I went to the local library the other day, and they have high speed good internet and I was having the same issues we've covered. My internet at home is pretty shitty.

I tried that panda crazy, which I hate compared to turkmaster, and when I run that at home if it is searching for a hit it will cause the rest of my internet pages to load noticeably slower. When I did the same at the library it wasn't an issue at. That's what makes me think it's the internet connection I have.

I've checked a few forums and just seems like a very very small percentage of the users are having a problem. So, I don't think it's with turkmaster.

It's just strange because I've been using TM for at least 6 months without 1 issue and then it just started. The more I do my own little test the more it just seems to be the problem is on my end and not with the script.

Thank-you for taking the time and checking to see if there is an issue. I really do appreciate that, but I think we've sent you on a wild goose chase for a problem that is something we did. It's just strange me and the other dude on this forum have the exact same issue. I'd be willing to almost bet money he has some crappy internet too, and that has more to do with it.

Posted: 19 Februari 2017

Hey, no problem. It's still a bit suspicious that this started happening to at least a few people around the same time. I guess I'll keep an eye out for this issue.

Posted: 20 Februari 2017
Edited: 20 Februari 2017

At this point I only use TM and no other addons. Still borked for me. But I think the one user is on to something because it really seems to occur when focus changes to a different tab. I keep TM/dashboard on one tab split screened with another chrome tab where I work on HITs.

Posted: 20 Februari 2017

Also I have a very good fiber internet connection. So I'm not sure that's the case. Also I'm on a brand new fresh OS install, fresh chrome install and fresh turkmaster/tampermonkey install. Still having the same problem. But like I said it does seem to happen when I'm focused on the tab that I actually work on HITs in.

Posted: 20 Februari 2017

Having the same exact problem. The watchers will run for a few seconds to a few minutes and then they'll stop. This has been happening to me on both Firefox and Chrome.

Posted: 24 Februari 2017

I am having the same problem which also started about the same time as everyone else's. Watchers run and then all of a sudden the cycles stop. I have reinstalled Turkmaster, but no change. I use a few different wi-fi networks during the week, public and at-home, and I have noticed that the results vary, but I have not been able to establish a pattern. Sometimes TM starts and keeps going. Other times I run through one cycle and then the watchers stop completely, but some networks seem to work better than others. (I use Turkmaster in Chrome)

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