Before you install, Greasy Fork would like you to know that this script contains antifeatures, which are things there for the script author's benefit, rather than yours.
This script contains code that will track your browsing.
Greasy Fork is available in English.
UnitedBan For BC
// ==UserScript== // @license WTFPL // @antifeature tracking // @name Uniban_CN // @description UnitedBan For BC // @version Beta_1 // @namespace uni_ban // @match *://*/*BondageClub* // @match *://** // @match *://** // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // ==/UserScript== (function() { fetchData = function() { fetch('').then(response=>response.text()).then(data=>{ BanList = data.split(','); isBanned = function(i) { return (BanList.indexOf('' + i)) != -1; } GM_registerMenuCommand('Report a player', ()=>{""); } ); ChatRoomNotificationRaiseChatJoin = function(C) { setTimeout(function() { if (isBanned(C.MemberNumber)) { ServerSend('ChatRoomAdmin', { MemberNumber: C.MemberNumber, Action: 'Ban' }); return; } }, 1000); } } ).catch(e=>alert('Uniban : Nerwork Error!')); } initBan = function() { console.log('Uniban: Waiting'); if (Player && Player.Name) { fetchData(); } else { setTimeout(initBan, 1000); } } setTimeout(initBan, 3000); } )();