Greasy Fork is available in English.

BC: do free downloads

adds a link that triggers buy for $0; set format to FLAC and click download. multiple purchases get a "download all" link (wait for them to process before using). Set your email at the top of the script if you want it autofilled.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        BC: do free downloads
// @namespace   userscript1
// @match       https://**
// @match       https://**
// @match
// @grant       none
// @version     0.2.7
// @author      -
// @license     GPLv3
// @description adds a link that triggers buy for $0; set format to FLAC and click download. multiple purchases get a "download all" link (wait for them to process before using).  Set your email at the top of the script if you want it autofilled.
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
  'use strict';
  const emailaddress = '';  // put your email here

  function $(s) {
    return document.querySelector(s);

  // release page -------------------------------------
  function startFreeDownload() {

    setTimeout(function() {
      var elm = $('#userPrice');
      var event = new UIEvent("change", {
        "view": window,
        "bubbles": true,
        "cancelable": true
      }, 300);

    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 1000);

    setTimeout(function() {
      if ($('#downloadButtons_download').style.display != 'none') {
        console.log('email not required, clicking OK');
      } else {
        console.log('email required');
        $('#fan_email_postalcode').value = '1';
        if (emailaddress) {
          $('#fan_email_address').value = emailaddress;
    }, 1500);

  var elm = $('#trackInfoInner');
  if (elm && (elm.textContent.includes('Name your price') || elm.textContent.includes('Free Download') ) ) {
      '<h4><a id="StartFreeDownload">Start free download &gt;&gt;</a></h4>'
    $('#StartFreeDownload').addEventListener('click', startFreeDownload);

    $('#name-section .trackTitle').insertAdjacentHTML('afterBegin', '<a id="StartFreeDownload2">[DL]</a>');
    $('#StartFreeDownload2').addEventListener('click', startFreeDownload);
  // end release page -------------------------------------

  // download page -------------------------------------
  const selDownload = 'a[href*=""]';

  function downloadWhenReady() {
    var links = document.querySelectorAll(selDownload);
    if (links[0] && links[0].style.display != 'none' && links[0].textContent.includes('Download') ) {
      if (links.length == 1) {
        console.log('clicking download');
      } else {
              `<div style="text-align: right;">
                  [<a id="DownloadThemAll">Download them all</a>]
        $('#DownloadThemAll').addEventListener('click', downloadThemAll);
    } else {
      console.log('waiting for download');
      setTimeout(downloadWhenReady, 1000);

  function downloadThemAll() {
    var links = document.querySelectorAll(selDownload);
    for (let link of links) {
      var frame = document.createElement('iframe');
      frame.src = link.href;

  elm = $('#format-type');
  if (elm && elm.value != 'flac') {
    let changeEvent = new Event('change');
    elm.value = 'flac';

  if (elm) {
   setTimeout(downloadWhenReady, 2000);
  // end download page -------------------------------------
