Wanikani Double-Check

Allows retyping typo'd answers, or marking wrong when WK's typo tolerance is too lax.

< Feedback on Wanikani Double-Check

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 21 Oktober 2022

Script is disabled most of the time when I start reviews, I have to reload the page and turn on/off the script a couple times to get it working.

Posted: 25 Oktober 2022

I am seeing this issue as well

Robin FindleyPembuat
Posted: 25 Oktober 2022

Please post in the WaniKani forums Double-Check thread: https://community.wanikani.com/t/userscript-double-check-version-2x/31456
It's a lot easier to communicate there.

My first suggestion would be to make sure you have WaniKani Open Framework as the #1 script in TamperMonkey (or whatever script host you use). That's the only reason I'm aware of that it sometimes starts / sometimes not.

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