mmmturkeybacon Queue Order Fix

After completing a HIT anywhere within your queue (i.e. HITs Assigned To You), this script will automatically continue the HIT at the top of your queue.

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11 0 0
08 Juli 2014
11 Desember 2015
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After completing a HIT anywhere within your queue (i.e. HITs Assigned To You), this script will automatically continue the HIT at the top* of your queue. For example, if you sort your queue by Time Left (least first), you can use this script to work on the HITs that are closest to expiring instead of mturk's default behavior ignoring what your queue is sorted by and putting the oldest HIT next in line. You should only need to set the sort order once. HITs accepted after setting the sort order will be sorted automatically by mturk. Additionally you can manually continue the HIT at the top of your queue if you visit "". Create a bookmark on your toolbar to quickly jump to the first HIT in your queue. This is especially useful if you just caught a HIT that will expire quickly.

*The HIT at the top of the queue is determined when the HIT currently being worked on is loaded. This means if a new HIT gets put on the top of the queue after the current HIT has already been loaded it will not be the very next HIT, but the one just after that instead.
**To restore the default behavior sort by Assigned On (earliest first), use an unfixed queue bookmarklet, or disable the script.
N.B.: If you complete HITs in the queue out of order or return a HIT you may briefly see an alert message "You have already completed/returned this HIT" before being redirected to the HIT at the top of the queue.

The 'HITs Assigned To You' queue on mturk uses a FIFO (first in first out) pipeline. That is to say, if you try to work from your queue no matter how you sort it or which HIT you continue with first, mturk will always bring up the HIT that was queued first after you submit the continued HIT. For example, say you queue up a survey with a 24 hour duration in the morning to work on later, you are going to have a frustrating time if you want to queue up a batch because every time you finish one of the batch HITs in your queue the survey will popup.

First HIT in the fixed queue -- javascript:(function(){'')})()
Last HIT in the fixed queue -- javascript:(function(){'')})()

First HIT in the unfixed queue -- javascript:(function(){'!Status!0!rO0ABXQACEFzc2lnbmVk!%2523!CreationTime!0!%2523!&selectedSearchType=hitgroups&searchWords=&sortType=CreationTime%253A0&pageSize=100&?first','mtbqswin')})()
Last HIT in the unfixed queue -- javascript:(function(){'!Status!0!rO0ABXQACEFzc2lnbmVk!%2523!CreationTime!0!%2523!&selectedSearchType=hitgroups&searchWords=&sortType=CreationTime%253A0&pageSize=100&?last','mtbqswin')})()

Unfixed queue means the queue is sorted by Assigned On (earliest first) and Queue Order Fix won't run in the tab created by the bookmarklet.