Disable YouTube 60 FPS (Force 30 FPS)

Tells YouTube that your browser only supports videos at 30FPS or less, which switches all 60FPS videos to 30FPS and allows old computers to watch high-resolution videos without stutter!

Ini adalah versi dari skrip ini yang kodenya telah diperbarui. Tampilkan semua versi.

  • v1.9.1 07 November 2017 Updated script metadata and beautified code
  • v1.9 19 September 2017 Just a little bit of autumn cleaning (after all these recent changes), to improve the source code readability.
  • v1.8 18 September 2017 Enhanced processing speed for the injection-counter in your browser's address bar.
  • v1.7 18 September 2017 Improved the code injection checker. Now uses a hybrid method with rapid detection of your web browser's potential success or failure, and then follows it up with a complete verification a few seconds later. This new method greatly enhances the success rate in all browsers.
  • v1.6 06 September 2017 Improved compatibility with unsupported browsers. Only Chrome and Safari are officially supported, but now it works in Firefox too, and probably others as well.
  • v1.5 05 September 2017 New method for detecting successful code injection, now works again after YouTube's recent code changes
  • v1.4 30 November 2016 Finalized the code, it's now universal and ready for years of service without needing any updates!
  • v1.3 23 November 2016 Complete rewrite of the Safari web browser bug workaround
  • v1.2 23 September 2016 Small enhancement for Safari 10 on macOS Sierra
  • v1.1 18 September 2016