WME Beta UR Links JS - Open UR links in Beta WME
WME Segment ID Mover JS - Removes the segment ids from the top of the edit panel and places them at the bottom, as well as moving the segment warnings as well.
Gram Jam Word Checker JS - checks words against the gram jam word dictionary to make sure they are playable words
WME Simple Alert Messages JS - changes the styling of the segment and venue messages
WME Live Map Overlay JS - adds an overlay of the live map
Ladderle Fixer JS - makes the ladderle game usable
WME Zoom Limit JS - limits how far out you can zoom
WME COL Basemap JS - Adds aerials from the COL GIS as a basemap for WME
WME Auto Update URL JS - updates the url as the map is moved
ArcGIS Server Fields to GIS-L JS - copies field names in a format to paste into the GIS-L spreadsheet
YouTube Speed Changer JS - Use a url parameter to change the video speed
Messages for Web Location Linker JS - Converts locations in messages to a link to maps
Realtor WELS Church Locator JS - Adds distance to nearest WELS church on the search results
WME Google Traffic Layer JS - Adds Google Maps traffic layer as an overlay to the Waze Map Editor
Azure DevOps Commit Compare JS - Compare commits like pull requests
Rental Utils JS - cleans up the unnecessary junk off the end of urls and links location to vrbo
Image Grabber JS - grab images from pages that you can't right click on images
Realtor Addons JS - Provides additional functionality to and other real estate sites, adding crime map overlay, distance to HEB, and closest WELS/ELS church
TxDOT ITS Addons JS - Adds the ability to use url parameters to move the map
WME Custom Managed Area Names JS - allows for editing managed area names
Shorts Reminder JS - Get reminders to take a break from watching shorts (default every 15 minutes)
Crime Map Churches Layer Data JS (Könyvtár) - adds churches layer to the crime map
HEB Store Locations JS (Könyvtár) - A json array of HEB store addresses and coordinates