Steam: Send gifts to friends who already own them JS - Allows you to send Steam gifts to friends even if they already own it.
Fanatical skip age confirmation JS - Removes the age verification prompt on Fanatical
Block reddit click tracking JS - Stops reddit from tracking your inbound and outbound clicks
reddit: sabotage event tracker JS - Blocks the reddit event collector
Rotten Tomatoes info on IMDb JS - Fetches review count and average review score from Rotten Tomatoes
Opium Pulses middle click fix JS - Allows you to enter giveaways with middle click (new tab)
ProBoards hide adblock message JS - Hides anti-adblock message
Google Analytics opt-out JS - Defines the Google Analytics opt-out object on every page.
reddit fake subscriber status JS - Makes subreddits appear as if you are subscribed.
Steam OpenID auto approval JS - Adds a checkbox to remember OpenID logins
9DB Raid Finder: Fix focus detection JS - Fixes the focus detection on the 9DB Pokémon GO Raid Finder
Steam: Automatically check Subscriber Agreement checkboxes JS - Automatically checks Steam Subscriber Agreement checkboxes
Greasy Fork: Mark script discussions as read JS - Mark feedback on your scripts as read
Demonoid remove clutter JS - Removes ads and VPN shilling on Demonoid
GazelleGames pet leveling info JS - Adds pet leveling info to your own profile page
Wordle save file helper JS - Allows to you export and import your Wordle save data
9DB Raid Finder: Invite 10 JS - Unlocks the ability to invite 10 people, even if you don't have enough XP
GazelleGames equipment durability info JS - Adds equipment durability info to your own profile page
reddit: hide email banner JS - Stops new reddit from constantly asking for your email address