Greasy Fork is available in English.

[GC] - NeoSchool Course Rewards

See additional details related to NeoSchool courses and the rewards you can get from them.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         [GC] - NeoSchool Course Rewards
// @namespace
// @version      1.0
// @license      MIT
// @description  See additional details related to NeoSchool courses and the rewards you can get from them.
// @author       Cupkait
// @match
// @grant        none
// @icon
// ==/UserScript==
const classList = [
  {"lesson": "Starting Science", "reward": "<ul><li><strong>Relic: </strong><a href='/items/'>Rainbow Negg Eraser</a></li><li>Boon lasts for seven days</li><li>Three extra zaps at both lab rays.</li><li>If you haven't unlocked the lab ray yet you will get temporary access to use your reward.</li></ul>"},
  {"lesson": "Physical Education", "reward": "<ul><li><strong>Relic: </strong><a href='/items/'>Rainbow Negg Eraser</a></li><li>Three r101 neggs</li><li>Six red codestones</li><li>Reduced training time</li><li><strong>BONUS:</strong> The first time you complete this course you will unlock a permanent boon that allows you to pay for your courses in one click.</li></ul>"},
    {"lesson": "Grammar and Language", "reward": "<ul><li><strong>Relic: </strong><a href='/items/'>Battle Quill</a></li><li>Three r101 books</ul>"},
    {"lesson": "Neopian Driver's Ed", "reward": "<ul><li><strong>Relic: </strong><a href='/items/'>Power Negg Eraser</a></li><li>Boon lasts for nine days</li><li>Ability to buy stocks as low as 5np</li><li>Ability to buy 2,000 stocks per day</li><li><strong>BONUS:</strong> Active pet at the time of redemption receives a permanent driver's license. When this pet is active and you get the Nigel Random Event, you do not get charged for not having a license.</ul>"},
    {"lesson": "Early Neopian History", "reward": "<ul><li><strong>Relic: </strong><a href='/items/'>Battle Quill</a></li><li>Three additional random relics</li></ul>"},
    {"lesson": "Back to Business", "reward": "<ul><li><strong>Relic: </strong><a href='/items/'>Fist of Power</a></li><li>Boon lasts for nine days</li><li>Get 25% off at Neopia Central main shops</li><li>Receive three random job coupons</li></ul>"},
    {"lesson": "Simple Spelling", "reward": "<ul><li><strong>Relic: </strong><a href='/items/'>Battle Quill</a></li><li>Three r101 stamps</li></ul>"},
    {"lesson": "Basic Mathematics", "reward": "<ul><li><strong>Relic: </strong><a href='/items/'>Happy Negg Eraser</a></li><li>Boon lasts for nine days</li><li>Ability to auto-price your shop once per day without using an abacus</li><li>3x <a href='/items/'>Magical Abacus</a></ul>"},
    {"lesson": "Geography", "reward": "<ul><li><strong>Relic: </strong><a href='/items/'>Battle Quill</a></li><li>1x Secret Laboratory Map</li><li>2x additional map pieces, either Secret Laboratory, Petpet Laboratory, or Spooky Treasure Map</li></ul>"}

const lessonCards = document.querySelectorAll('.lesson_card');
  var infoDiv = document.createElement('p'); = 'lightblue'; = '1px solid black';
infoDiv.innerHTML = `<span style="font-weight: bold; color: red; font-size: 16px;">All rewards shown are for a perfect grade.</span><br>Incorrect answers or missed quests will reduce rewards.<br>See something wrong? Neomail <a href='/neomessages/sendmessage/?username=Cupkait'>Cupkait</a>!`;
  document.querySelector("#page_content > > div").insertAdjacentElement('afterend', infoDiv);

lessonCards.forEach(lesson => {
  var lessonName = lesson.querySelector('.lesson').innerText.trim();
  var lessonReward = classList.find(item => item.lesson === lessonName)?.reward || 'Not Found';

  var rewardText = document.createElement('p');
  rewardText.classList = 'block';
  rewardText.innerHTML = `<strong>Perfect Grade Reward:</strong> ${lessonReward}`;

  lesson.querySelector('p.block').insertAdjacentElement('afterend', rewardText);