Greasy Fork is available in English.

WorkTime in Pagetitle - Clockout

Adding your current work time to page titel. No need to switch tab anymore to see your work time.

Ez a szkript összes változata. Csak azon verziók mutatása, ahol a kód változott.

  • v1.1 2022.10.30. Added supportUrl to script which links to GitHub issues
  • v1.1 2022.10.21. Imported from URL
  • v1.1 2022.08.18.

    Added check if time is stopped and showing stop icon in title

  • v1.0 2022.08.10.

    +Added: break time tracking and automatical switch between times
    *Changed: time tracking from interval to Mutationobserver

  • v0.1 2022.06.22.
  • v0.1 2022.06.22.