Youtube Resumer (using the url)

Changes the ?t= parameter when pausing. Other version:

< Feedback on Youtube Resumer (using the url)

Review: OK - script works, but has bugs

Posted: 2021.12.04.
Edited: 2021.12.04.

History is overflowing.
It's good to make updates to the url parameter "t" not every second, but after 15 seconds.

Dry SpoonAuthor
Posted: 2021.12.18.

Oh I didn't notice. In that case I think it makes more sense to change the url only when pausing. There is a new version, feel free to customize it:
function listen(){
const video = findVideo()
video.addEventListener('timeupdate', () => {
const seconds = parseInt(video.currentTime)
if(seconds % 15 === 0){//divisible by 15

Dry SpoonAuthor
Posted: 2023.11.19.

Here is a version that stores time locally

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