Greasy Fork is available in English.

pancake mod [ PATCHED ]

This mod is not bad, its just ok. To know the controls, look in the description! Enjoy :>

Ezek a szkript azon változatai, ahol a kód módosítva lett. Minden verzió mutatása

  • vv.10.7.1 2023.12.02.
  • vv.10.7.1 2023.07.27.

    slowered intervals

  • vv.10.7.0 2023.07.27.


  • vv.10.6.4 2023.03.26.
  • vv.10.6.4 2022.05.16.
  • vv.10.6.4 2021.12.30.

    IM BACK??!!! :OO


  • vv.10.6.3 2021.11.15.

    Readded anti Invis because the guy who said it has logger gave me versions without logger xd

  • vv.10.6.2 2021.11.15.

    Removed anti invis because someone told me that there is a logger

  • vv.10.6.1 2021.11.12.


  • vv.10.6.0 2021.11.05.

    optimzed anti insta(maybe)
    different ping display(less lag i think)
    Auto-Q will be functional again soon

  • vv.10.5.2 2021.10.05.

    so, i accidnetly removed the auto-mill togller
    but i added it back

  • vv.10.5.1 2021.10.04.

    Fixed bug at Insta

  • vv.10.5.0 2021.10.03.

    changed 360 hit bec sometimes when you have 360 hit enabled it will place invis builds/ builds at the left when you place buildings
    removed some auto chats
    changed some little things
    the spike at the insta-kill will get placed faster now
    changed the desc a bit

  • vv. 2021.10.03.

    Fixes wrong var name

  • vv.10.4.0 2021.10.02.

    I really hope you like the pancake mod come back.
    In this version I added anti boost spike and changed a little bit.

  • vv. 2021.08.08.

    if team place trap it wont do anything

  • vv. 2021.08.08.

    some things...
    added another anti(maybe good)
    instructions in menu
    antiinsta1 is auto acitve

  • vv. 2021.08.03.


  • vv.10.3.2 2021.08.03.

    added anti ruby
    added choose mill 4 anti trap
    added two musics 4 music menu,changed music menu color

  • vv.10.3.1 2021.08.01.

    added anti invis(i think its anti invis)

  • vv.10.3.0 2021.07.31.

    added autoreplace
    maked FAST insta

  • vv.10.2.0 2021.07.22.

    a lil bit better anti insta

    next update: better insta

  • vv.10.1.2 2021.07.18.

    changed a ton of intervals, made things modular (variables to change), changed map, removed garbage, actually indented some parts, removed useless whitespace, made aiming modular, changed doNewSend

  • vv.10.1.1 2021.07.17.

    lil update


  • vv.10.1.0 2021.07.17.

    more clown chance at anti insta(best is you make bull tick)

    better insta

    better reverse insta

    soon i add onetic

  • vv.10.0.4 2021.07.14.

    some changes

    like if apple at anti insta more heal

  • vv.10.0.3 2021.07.13.

    added something like mousemill

  • vv.10.0.2 2021.07.12.

    added ping msg

  • vv.10.0.1 2021.07.08.
  • vv.10.0.0 2021.07.06.

    changed anti insta there will be now spiek gear

    a lil bit faster reverse insta

    if you get clown you will euip medic gear and angel wings

    press 1 on numpad for only katana

    added a key for spike gear

  • vv.9.9.0 2021.07.05.

    anti insta works now! sorry i coded something wrong anti insta is a lil bit better

    maybe anti bow insta! idk because i couldnt test it(i think it dont work)

    new died text! it will say '1. Game ended' if you died 1 one time etc! so you know hhow many times you died!

  • vv.9.7.1 2021.07.04.

    changed some things

    changed again lil bit anti insta [less chance to get clown if bull spamm but still high]

    changed a lil bit insta(8 miliseconds slower) [better but also worst..better cuz now it makes more oftener insta(i think) worst cuz its slower but it will make no sense]

    changed a bit reverse insta (10 miliseocnds faster) [better]

  • vv.9.7.0 2021.07.03.

    faster insta...idk if it works with polearm

    chnaged a lil bit the anti insta

    maybe i will ad autoshield at anti insta

  • vv.9.6.0 2021.07.02.
  • vv.9.5.0 2021.07.01.

    now 360° hit in menu

    crazy age 1 insta requires age 9 now to make complete age 1 insta

    changed a little bit anti insta

  • vv.9.3.0 2021.06.29.

    better anti-insta

    slower heal(a lil bit slower)

  • vv.9.2.7 2021.06.26.
  • vv.9.2.7 2021.06.22.

    some fixes

  • vv.9.2.5 2021.06.19.

    changed autoheal. heals now if your HP is under 100 but after 110 milliseconds and

  • vv.9.2.3 2021.06.19.

    added a little bull tick after anti-insta for lower chance clownhat

  • vv.9.2.0 2021.06.18.

    better antiinsta!!
    removed rainbow agebar
    changed km key and pm key! :)

  • vv.9.1.1 2021.06.16.

    removed rainbow hp bar to make the cps higher and ping lesser

  • vv.9.1.0 2021.06.13.

    changed anti-insta-heal

  • vv.9.0.0 2021.06.12.

    added menu press esc to view it.

  • vv.8.8.0 2021.06.09.

    added reverse insta (will be improved) press [Y] to do it

  • vv.8.7.7 2021.06.08.

    added insta text

  • vv.8.7.7 2021.06.08.

    better insta!!!
    better age 1 insta!!!

    and renamed mod to "pancake mod" 😁

  • vv.8.7.1 2021.06.06.

    better insta

  • vv.8.7.0 2021.06.06.

    added katana+musket and polearm + musket key. changed bow insta key

  • vv.8.6.2--btw.last 2021.06.06.

    added starter res and maybe more FPS

Mutasd a szkript összes verzióját