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Who Defriended ME!? - MAL

Now you can easily and quickly know who DeFriended you on MAL!

Mint 2021.02.21.. Lásd a legutóbbi verzió

hacker09 és shaggyze
0 0 0

With 1 single click permanently save all MAL user names that are on your friends list!
Then when you think you was DeFriended, or when you want to check if someone DeFriended you, just click on the button that will appear close to your profile picture on the friends page.

The script will quickly loop through all your friends list pages and look for who is missing, if someone is missing the script will display the user name(s) that have DeFriended you! If nobody have DeFriended you the script will just update your friends list and permanently save all MAL Friend names that were added on your friend list after the first check you did!

*The script:

  • Shows the user name(s) that have DeFriended you only once, so that the same user won't show up as having DeFriended you every time you click on the check button.
  • Uses the Jikan API that caches the fetched Friend Pages for 1 hr, so it's needed to wait 1 hour between checks.
  • The information box also includes the past user name of your friend(s) that have changed their user name even if they have or not defriended you...