Torrentz : The Bobcat add-on Add IMDB ratings, download links, movie plot/actors, and other goodies. Also features an light built-in serie tracker. Torrentz gets so much simpler and efficient! Demo video here:

< Feedback on Torrentz : The Bobcat add-on


Deleted user 21232
Posted: 2016.02.18.

1.6.1 doesn't work, 1.6.0 does

Trying your script for the first time and 1.6.1 didn't work. Tried the usual things of making sure it wasn't other scripts weren't messing with it and still nothing. Tried using 1.6.0 and it works (the "with the Bobcat Addon" shows up).

Posted: 2016.04.13.

Hey - thanks for the feedback.
The only thing that was changed was the addition of a grant: "@grant GM_xmlhttpRequest" , now required to use this function (used in the script to do cross- domain calls to IMDB).
I checked on my computer, and indeed there seems to be a problem with Firefox at the moment.
Everything works fine with Chrome (and TamperMonkey) though.

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