IMDb Tomatoes

Add Rotten Tomatoes ratings to IMDb movie and TV show pages

Ezek a szkript azon változatai, ahol a kód módosítva lett. Minden verzió mutatása

  • v4.5.0 2021.08.11. IMDb Tomatoes - fix TV show breakage load/link to (and take the consensus from) the first-season page (/tv/example/s01) rather than the show's overview page (/tv/example) this fixes the metadata (and mtime detection) for TV shows, at the expense of showing the score for the first season rather than the whole series
  • v4.4.2 2021.07.19. IMDb Tomatoes: increase the balloon hit area to cover the whole widget
  • v4.4.1 2021.07.18. IMDb Tomatoes: cleanup
  • v4.4.0 2021.07.18. IMDb Tomatoes: improve performance + accuracy - run the API and page requests concurrently - this typically halves the response time - fall back to an inferred RT URL if the API URL is missing, errors, or fails to verify
  • v4.3.0 2021.07.16. IMDb Tomatoes: add support for "video" titles
  • v4.2.1 2021.07.15. IMDb Tomatoes: cleanup
  • v4.2.0 2021.07.13. IMDb Tomatoes: improve TV show results
  • v4.1.1 2021.07.13. IMDb Tomatoes: cleanup
  • v4.1.0 2021.07.12. IMDb Tomatoes: improve TV show results + link to the show rather than the first season
  • v4.0.0 2021.07.11. IMDb Tomatoes: fixes - fix widget display issues - reduce the widget display delay - fix italics in the consensus text features: - improve caching changes: - remove support for legacy layouts, IMDb Tomatoes: v4.0.0 - add support for TV shows - improve search results - fix the widget display delay
  • v3.2.0 2021.07.03. IMDb Tomatoes: update to reflect the latest site changes, IMDb Tomatoes: fix/improve the appearance of the consensus text
  • v3.1.1 2021.06.22. IMDb Tomatoes - update to reflect the latest site changes
  • v3.1.0 2021.04.14. IMDb Tomatoes: update API query + bump dependencies
  • v3.0.4 2021.02.26. IMDb Tomatoes: bump dependencies, IMDb Tomatoes: update API query
  • v3.0.2 2021.02.18. IMDb Tomatoes: cleanup
  • v3.0.1 2021.02.18. IMDb Tomatoes: fix widget delay on the legacy site
  • v3.0.0 2021.02.16. IMDb Tomatoes: add support for the new design
  • v2.15.4 2021.02.07. Imported from URL
  • v2.15.3 2020.12.23. IMDb Tomatoes: cosmetics
  • v2.15.2 2020.08.12. IMDb Tomatoes: fix double jQuery nit
  • v2.15.1 2020.05.08. IMDb Tomatoes: migrate jQuery back from slim.min to min to fix the balloon
  • v2.15.0 2020.05.08. doc nitfix: HTTP -> HTTPS, bump jQuery to 3.5.1 + reduce size (slim build), IMDb Tomatoes: improve search results
  • v2.14.0 2020.03.02. IMDb Tomatoes: update to reflect latest site changes
  • v2.13.1 2020.02.19. IMDb Tomatoes: nitfixen
  • v2.13.0 2020.01.31. IMDb Tomatoes: improve search results
  • v2.12.4 2020.01.30. IMDb Tomatoes: fix review-bar on compact layouts update the compact-layout selector. fixes (e.g.): - -
  • v2.12.3 2020.01.18. IMDb Tomatoes: fix rating precedence always override the rating returned by the API when the RT rating differs even if the API rating is defined and the RT rating isn't (no ratings)
  • v2.12.2 2019.09.20. IMDb Tomatoes: remove deprecated :last selector find('.summary:last') -> find('.summary').last()
  • v2.12.1 2019.09.07. IMDb Tomatoes - layout fix The markup now appears to contain a (stray?) duplicate "Info" DIV (.plot_summary_wrapper) in some cases, so make sure we target the correct one (currently the second) rather than both, to avoid displaying two copies of the review bar
  • v2.12.0 2019.08.17. IMDb Tomatoes: apply fixes for some missing/incorrect results
  • v2.11.0 2019.08.03. IMDb Tomatoes: improve support for non-English language titles
  • v2.10.2 2019.07.08. IMDb Tomatoes: update to support latest RT site changes fix breakage in handler for films with no consensus
  • v2.10.1 2019.03.21. IMDb Tomatoes: declutter log output
  • v2.10.0 2019.02.28. IMDb Tomatoes: update to support latest RT site changes
  • v2.9.2 2019.01.13. IMDb Tomatoes: cleanup
  • v2.9.1 2019.01.13. migrate dependencies from RawGit to jsDelivr + clean up metadata + bump jQuery
  • v2.8.1 2018.10.24. IMDb Tomatoes: update to support latest site changes
  • v2.8.0 2018.08.19. IMDb Tomatoes: API query cleanup
  • v2.7.0 2018.08.19. IMDb Tomatoes: update API query, IMDb Tomatoes: fix emdash translation: s/—/—/
  • v2.6.1 2018.04.12. IMDb Tomatoes: cleanup
  • v2.6.0 2018.03.31. IMDb Tomatoes: escape titles for RT search links fixes search for e.g. titles with ampersands
  • v2.5.0 2018.03.24. update API query
  • v2.4.1 2018.03.16. IMDb Tomatoes: update the RT link from HTTP -> HTTPS
  • v2.4.0 2018.03.12. IMDb Tomatoes: include HTTPS URLs (thanks, darkred)
  • v2.3.1 2018.02.16. cosmetics
  • v2.3.0 2018.02.15. update API query, lint: let → const
  • v2.2.0 2017.10.15. update API query
  • v2.1.0 2017.06.03. update API query
  • v2.0.2 2017.05.25. improve error reporting
  • v2.0.1 2017.05.24. nitfix: store the error before reporting it

Mutasd a szkript összes verzióját