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Gfycat WebM Direct Link

Adds direct URLs to Gfycat GIF/WebM/MP4 files on Gfycat pages

< Feedback on Gfycat WebM Direct Link

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2015.12.09.
Edited: 2015.12.09.

No link appears since Gfycat's latest updates.

So just a few days ago had some changes, especially on the front-end things changed a lot so I think that's the reason this script is no longer working, would love for it to get fixed and also I'd really appreciate it if you add a link to the new "mobile" Gfys they made that's accessed through the HD button in the top right of HD Gfys.

Posted: 2015.12.09.

Thanks for letting me know! I'll figure out a new implementation to work with the new front-end and get an update out ASAP.

Would you be able to provide me with an example link to a Gfycat page with the HD button so that I can look into that for you as well?

Posted: 2015.12.09.

Thanks for working on it.

And here's a HD gfy:

Posted: 2015.12.22.

Thanks for the link. I've pushed an update that hopefully works well for you (and everyone)! Sorry for the delay!

Posted: 2015.12.23.

It works very well, thank you. I really like how you added it, seem like it's a part of the site.

Posted: 2015.12.23.

Thanks! That's what I was going for, so I'm happy to hear it came off that way.

Posted: 2016.02.01.

Hello, so apparently more changes happened to and now your script doesn't work, can you please take a look at it when you have the time?

Posted: 2016.02.01.

Absolutely! Thanks for letting me know again!

Posted: 2016.02.01.

Should be fixed now.

Posted: 2016.02.02.

Hey that was really quick, thank you so much, it works now.

Posted: 2016.02.02.

Happy to hear it's working fine for you. Thanks again for letting me know so I could get on it quickly; I'm not sure how quickly I'd have noticed the issue if you hadn't!

Posted: 2016.03.22.

Hi, so it seems they did some changes to and unfortunately now the script doesn't work, just thought I'd let you know.

Posted: 2016.03.22.

I'll look into it. As always, thanks again for letting me know!

Posted: 2016.03.22.

Could you specify exactly what's going wrong? Is the script not working at all?

Posted: 2016.03.22.

Oh sorry I should have specified, it's just that in the drop down menu with the links the mobile version link of the Gfy doesn't appear.

sorry again, should have said that in the first comment.

Posted: 2016.03.23.

I fixed it! I don't know javascript but I know ruby and do my own css and lately have been starting to learn jquery, so I can kinda get around very simple JS edits with the help of stackoverflow and stuff.

So the mobile url code has this part "if ( )" which if javascript works like css should mean that it's looking if there is something with class of "hdBtn", "style" AND "display" all together at once, and apparently when I make it "hdBtn" only the problem goes away.

So from what I understand when you updated it last time these were the classes on the HD button, and they were changed lately by the Gfycat devs and that's why the mobile link didn't appear.

Posted: 2016.03.23.

I actually noticed that after I responded the first time, but wasn't sure if that particular thing was the same issue you were speaking of or if it was something else entirely so I figured I'd ask to make sure I didn't push out a fix that didn't actually end up fixing your problem in particular. Glad to see that wasn't the case! :P I had already fixed this issue before you responded but was waiting for your response to push it live, so that should be live shortly.

The way that particular code works is like this:

hdBtn is a variable (defined earlier in the script as document.getElementById( 'mode' ) meaning "the HTML element with an id of mode". is "the value of the CSS property display in the hdBtn HTML element's style attribute. Basically, Gfycat's CSS by default hides the HD button using display: none in the stylesheet; if the HD button needs to appear, it uses JavaScript to apply style="display: block;" directly to the element to override the stylesheet and force the button to display. So my script would try to detect if the button was there by checking if the "display" property had been applied in that fashion. However, it appears that my script would not always run after the JavaScript that applies that property and thus didn't always properly display the new "URL" button, hence the issue. So I've tried a different approach this time around which hopefully is more reliable.

Thanks again!

Posted: 2016.03.23.

Thanks for fixing it, and also thanks for explaining, really appreciate it.

Posted: 2017.10.18.

Now, no links appears again.

Posted: 2017.12.06.

My apologies yet again for the delay in seeing to this issue; I've unfortunately been in poor health for the past few months.

That said, I've just uploaded an update which should fix the issue and allow the links to appear properly once again. Thank you everyone for your patience! :)

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