ShadeRoot Facebook

Eye-friendly magic in your browser for Facebook

// Written by Glenn Wiking
// Script Version: 1.2.2d
// Date of issue: 06/12/14
// Date of resolution: 28/08/15
// ==UserScript==
// @name        ShadeRoot Facebook
// @namespace   SRFB
// @description Eye-friendly magic in your browser for Facebook
// @version     1.2.2d
// @icon

// @include        http://*.facebook.*
// @include        https://*.facebook.*

// ==/UserScript==

function ShadeRootFB(css) {
    var head, style;
    head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
    if (!head) { return; }
    style = document.createElement('style');
    style.type = 'text/css';
    style.innerHTML = css;

  'body {background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #080C15;}'
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  '.copyright div span:after {content: " - Shaderoot theme by CodeWiking"}'
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  '._1y2l li a.messagesContent:hover {background-color: rgba(24, 72, 146, 1);}'
  '._kj3 {background: #1A356C; border: 1px solid rgba(22, 69, 147, 1);}'
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  '._z6j {background-color: #1A356C; border: 1px solid rgba(20, 63, 135, 1);}'
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  '#create_frame .box:hover .facade {background-color: rgba(30, 69, 149, 1);}'
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  '._552h {border-top: 1px solid rgba(17, 62, 126, 1) !important;}'
  'u_jsonp_3_c {}'*/
  '.uiTypeahead .uiSearchInput, .innerWrap .textInput {background-color: #4B95DE !important;}'
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  'html ._mj ._1dsl {border-bottom-color: rgba(21, 50, 135, 1) !important;}'
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  '._596n, ._54j8 {background-color: rgba(0, 31, 69, 1); border-color: #1E3D7A #1E3D7A #1E3D7A !important;}'
  '._4jul ._ph5, ._52c6._52c6 {border-color: rgba(34, 61, 141, 1) rgba(64, 86, 152, 1) !important;}'
  '._5vsj .UFIRow.UFIFirstComponent, ._5vsj .UFIShareRow, ._5vsj .UFILikeSentence, ._5vsj .UFIFirstCommentComponent {border-top: 1px solid rgba(14, 64, 114, 1);}'
  '._5vsj .UFIRow {background-color: #1A346B !important;}'
  '._1ln2 .uiList > li {border-color: #032268 !important;}'
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